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git submodule init
git submodule update
The firmware at the moment successfuly does the folllwing:
- Initlizie and read sensors:
- ADXL357 accelerometer
- MS5611 barometer
- Generic NMEA GPS
- Write readings to builtin SD card
- Transmit the collected data after encoding
The following tasks need to be done:
For the GPS:
- look into GPS modules specs similar to that of the featherWeight specifically the Cold & Warm Starts (due to the issue of it shutting off and losing lock when rocket exceeds the COCOM limits)
- Make the GPS update at 10 Hz
Handle sensor initalization errors
Order a PCB and field test the system
Simulate power transients with Eagle/Kicad
rfd900+ frequency switching
Bay thermodynamics(for two stage)
Improve the way the rocket descends and lands(dynamic flight stability)