3D model of Xiaomi Cyberdog robot and urdf model.
Ubuntu version 20.04 ROS version Noetic
Note, when opening the terminal (in the home directory), write this command:
source /opt/ros/YOUR_ROS1_DISTRO/setup.bash
Create a folder catkin_ws/src
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
Git clone the repo:
Put our urdf folder in src folder
After transferring the urdf folder to the src folder, enter:
cd ~/catkin_ws
And assemble the package :
Go to the folder
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/urdf/launch
To visualize in rviz, enter this command :
roslaunch urdf display.launch
The cyberdog_3d_model_fusion 360 folder contains a robot model made in Fusion 360
Visualization in rviz