RESTFUL API developed with Node.js and PostgreSQL for learning purpose.
The project is CRUD application to manage simple projects of clients you may have. With this project the user can:
- Create an account and login;
- Create a client register that is able to hold information like name and e-mail;
- Through this client register the user can create projects that's attached to a specific client, each project holds information like:
- Title;
- Description;
- The budget/price charged for the project;
- Deadline;
- If the project is completed;
- Node.js;
- Express;
- PostgreSQL;
- Sequelize;
- Bcrypt;
- JWTs;
- How to structure and build up a RESTFUL API with node.js and express;
- Work with an ORM simplifying and improving the way of work with relational database;
- Use migrations to track the changes in the database;
- More about how to work with authentication using Json Web Tokens;
- How to hash passwords and store in a secure way;