Dear Sir/Madam,
Gale-Shapley-algorithm is an implementation of Gale-Shapley algorithm as an especial solution of stable marriage problem by MATLAB with GUI.
This implementations are responses to question 1 in a homework (Homework1.pdf) with permission of publicatoin (Permission of publicationpdf).
A brief explanation of each file:
InputGenerator.m: It provides n * n two random preference lists of men and women in a text file
GALE_SHAPLEY.m: It gets a text file containing n, and two preference lists (the output of InputGenerator.m) and provides a solution based on GALE-SHAPLEY.
StabilityChecking.m: It gets Input and Output text files of GALE-SHAPLEY and checks the stability of matches in the output based on the inputs.
For the rest of files please refer to the Homework1.pdf and files.
I hope this implementation helps you.
Best regards,
Reza Sadeghi
Graduate Research Assistant, Data Science for Healthcare Lab, Wright State University Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (kno.e.sis)
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mahdieh Zabihimayvan
Graduate Research Assistant, WaCS Lab, Wright State University Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (kno.e.sis)