An essential HTTP multi-purpose Probing Tool for Penetration Testers and Security Researchers with Asynchronous httpx client support
Subprober is a powerful and efficient tool designed for penetration testers and security professionals. This release introduces several enhancements, bug fixes, and new features to elevate your probing experience. Subprober facilitates fast and reliable information extraction, making it an invaluable asset for penetration testing workflows.
- Fast and configurable probings
- Supported Inputs: hosts, URLS, IPs
- Supports multiple methods http requests
- Supports proxies and customizable Header for probing
- Progress your probing tasks
Probes | Default Check | Probes | Default Check |
Url | True | UrlScheme | False |
Title | True | Ports | False |
Status code | True | Paths | False |
Response Length | True | HTTP2 | False |
Server | True | Response Body Hash | False |
Content Type | True | HTTP Version | True |
Follow redirection | False | HTTP Method | True |
Path | False | Body Preview | True |
Redirect location | False | Redirect History | True |
Max redirection | False | Response Reason | True |
IP address of Host | False | Word Count | True |
Cname of Host | False | AAAA Record of Host | False |
Jarm | False | Response Time | True |
Web Socket | True | Line Count | True |
TLS Data | False | Redirect Location | True |
To install Subprober you need python latest version to be installed and then you can follow the below steps to install subprober
PIP Installation:
pip install git+
subprober -h
PIPX Installation:
pipx install git+
subprober -h
GIT Installation:
git clone
cd Subprober
pip install .
subprober -h
subprober -h
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/____/\__,_/_.___/_/ /_/ \____/_.___/\___/_/
- RevoltSecurities
Subprober - An essential HTTP multi-purpose Probing Tool for Penetration Testers and Security Researchers with Asynchronous httpx client support
[Description] :
Subprober is a high-performance tool designed for probing and extracting vital information efficiently with Asynchronous concurrency performance
-f, --filename specify the filename containing a list of Urls to probe
-u, --url specify a Url to probe and supports comma-separated values (-u,
stdin/stdout subprober supports both stdin/stdout and enables -nc to pipe the output of subprober
-sc, --status-code display the status code of the host
-tl, --title display the title of host
-sv, --server display the server name of the host
-wc, --word-count display the HTTP response word count
-lc, --line-count display the HTTP response line count
-cl, --content-length display the HTTP response content length
-l , --location display the redirected location of the host
-apt, --application-type display the content type of the host
-ip, --ipaddress display the IPs of the host
-cn, --cname display the CNAMEs of the host
-aaa, --aaa-records display the AAAA records of the host
-htv, --http-version display the server supported HTTP version of the host
-hrs, --http-reason display the reason for HTTP connection of the host
-jarm, --jarm-fingerprint display the JARM fingerprint hash of the host
-rpt, --response-time display the response time for the successful request
-wss, --websocket display the server supports websockets
-hash, --hash display response body in hash format (supported hashes: md5, mmh3, simhash, sha1, sha256, sha512)
-dmt, --display-method display the method of the HTTP request
-bp, --body-preview display the HTTP response body in first n number of characters (default: 100)
-dhp, --disable-http-probe disables subprober from probing HTTP protocols and only for HTTPS when no protocol is specified
-X, --method request methods to probe and get response (supported: get, post, head, put, delete, patch, trace, connect, options) (default: get)
-H, --header add custom headers for probing and -H can be used multiple times to pass multiple header values (ex: -H application/json -H X-Forwarded-Host:
-ra, --random-agent enable Random User-Agent to use for probing and applies same to screenshots. (default: subprober/Alpha)
-px, --proxy specify a proxy to send the requests through it (ex:
-ar, --allow-redirect enable following redirections
-maxr, --max-redirection set max value to follow redirections (default: 10)
-http2, --http2 enable to request with HTTP/2 support (default: Http/1.1)
-sni, --sni-hostname set custom TLS SNI host name for requests.
-p, --path specify a path or text file of paths for probing and getting results (example: -p admin.php or -p paths.txt)
-pt, --port set custom port for making HTTP request and default ports are 80,443 based on the url scheme
-tls, --tls grabs the TLS data for the requested host
-ss, --screenshot enable to take screenshots of the page using headless browsers with asynchronous performance
-st, --screenshot-timeout set a timeout value for taking screenshots (default: 15)
-scp, --system-chrome-path specify the executable path of the chromedriver to use system chrome to take screenshots
-pdf, --save-pdf enable to save the screenshot image in the pdf format (default: png)
-HH , --screenshot-headers add custom headers for authenticated screenshots
-icb, --include-bytes enable to include the screenshot bytes in output when json output enabled
-hos, --headless-options set additional chrome headless browser options and supports comma-separated values (-ho "--start-maximized")
-sid, --screenshot-idle set custom idle time in seconds before taking screenshots (default: 1)
-sp, --screenshot-path specify a directory path to store screenshot results (default: currentdir/screenshots)
-mc, --match-code match http response by specified status codes and supports comma-separated values (-mc 200,302)
-mcr, --match-code-range match http response by specified status code range and supports single value (-mcr 200-299)
-ms, --match-string match http response containing the specified string and supports comma-separated values (-ms admin,login)
-mr, --match-regex match http response matching the specified regex and supports comma-separated values (-mr .*admin.*,.*login.*)
-mpt, --match-path match http response by URL path and supports comma-separated values (-mpt /admin/wp-ajax.php,/wp-json)
-ml, --match-length match http response by specified response length and supports comma-separated values (-ml 1024,2048)
-mlc, --match-line-count match http response by specified response line count and supports comma-separated values (-mlc 10,50)
-mwc, --match-word-count match http response by specified word count and supports comma-separated values (-mwc 100,500)
-mrt, --match-response-time match http response exceeding the specified minimum response time in seconds (-mrt 2.30)
-fc, --filter-code filter http response by specified status codes and supports comma-separated values (-fc 404,500)
-fcr, --filter-code-range filter http response by specified status code range and supports single value (-fcr 400-499)
-fs, --filter-string filter http response containing the specified string and supports comma-separated values (-fs error,not found)
-fr, --filter-regex filter http response matching the specified regex and supports comma-separated values (-fr .*admin.*,.*login.*)
-fpt, --filter-path filter http response by URL path and supports comma-separated values (-fpt /error,404.html)
-fl, --filter-length filter http response by specified response length and supports comma-separated values (-fl 1024,2048)
-flc, --filter-line-count filter http response by specified response line count and supports comma-separated values (-flc 10,50)
-fwc, --filter-word-count filter http response by specified response word count and supports comma-separated values (-fwc 100,500)
-frt, --filter-response-time filter http response exceeding the specified maximum response time in seconds (-frt 2.30)
-o, --output define the output filename to store the results of the probing operation.
-das, --disable-auto-save disable the auto-save of results when no output file is specified.
-J, --json store and display output in JSON format (includes only data from enabled options).
-rdu, --redirect-urls display the redirect URLs in the output (requires -J and -ar to enabled to enabled).
-rdh, --redirect-history display the full redirect history (requires -J and -ar to enabled).
-rsc, --redirect-status-codes display the status codes for redirections (requires -J and -ar to enabled).
-rqh, --request-headers include request headers in the output (requires -J and -ar to enabled).
-rsh, --response-headers include response headers in the output (requires -J and -ar to enabled).
-fo, --full-output include all available data in the output (requires -J to enabled and doesn't overrides websocket,jarm,hashes options).
-c, --concurrency set the concurrency level for sending http requests (default: 100)
-rtl, --rate-limit set a rate limit for sending a maximum number of requests per second (default: 1000)
-sct, --screenshot-threads set a threads level for taking screenshots (default: 40)
-to, --timeout set a custom timeout value for sending requests.
-d, --delay set a delay in seconds before sending each request (default: 0.5)
-rts, --retries set a number of retries if a request fails to connect (default: 0)
-up, --update update subprober to the latest version (pip required to be installed)
-sup, --show-updates display the current or latest version of subprober updates
-h, --help display this help message and exit!
-s, --silent enable silent mode to suppress the display of Subprober banner and version information.
-v, --verbose enable verbose mode to display error results on the console.
-nc, --no-color enable to display the output without any CLI colors
The SubProber is a cutting-edge tool developed by RevoltSecurities to empower Security Researchers and Penetration Testers. Designed with efficiency and precision in mind, SubProber streamlines reconnaissance and enhances vulnerability detection. Released under the MIT License, it reflects our commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration within the open-source community.
At RevoltSecurities, we aim to support researchers by providing advanced automation tools that simplify complex tasks, enabling professionals to focus on securing modern infrastructures.