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How To Compile For Switch

DorfDork edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 10 revisions

Instructions from sm64ex provided by fgs, edited by DorfDork and the Render96 team

1. Build the game for your native platform.

You need to go to home and build for your native platform. It is important that you do this part first before compiling with devkit. If you're on windows follow the windows guide and use mingw64. Follow the linux guide if on linux.

2. Obtain the toolchain and dependencies.

You will need the latest version of devkitA64 and some Switch portlibs. Use the Graphical Installer if on windows and install. Use the mingw64 located in C:\devkitPro\msys2 from this point on.

Install these dependencies on Windows

pacman -S unzip make git python3

You can install the dependencies using dkp-pacman, use pacman if on windows:

(dkp-)pacman -S devkitA64 devkitpro-pkgbuild-helpers libnx switch-tools switch-mesa switch-libdrm_nouveau switch-sdl2

3. Build.

Use the cd command to go to the location where you have the repo compiled from step 1. Ex cd Render96ex


Go to the Render96 Discord and download the latest model pack from the #download channel.

Extract the contents of the zip file (actors folder) into Render96ex alpha's actors folder (make sure that when it prompts you to replace files that you do so) and delete the build folder if it exists.

Run make. To turn certain features on and off, append any needed build flags to your make invocation like so:

source $DEVKITPRO/
make TARGET_SWITCH=1 -j4

If you are using the model pack, make sure to have this make flag included:



Download the Render96 texture pack here

Make sure you are using master for this branch

Once downloaded, extract it. You should get a folder inside of RENDER96-HD-TEXTURE-PACK-master that is called git.

You will need to copy it. Go to Render96ex/build/us-pc/res. Paste the folder you extracted and copied earlier (gfx) into the res folder.

It will ask if you want to replace the files of the same name in the existing gfx folder, click yes. Get out from the res folder and open your game.

4. Run.

The NRO is in build/{lang}_nx. Copy it to sdmc:/switch/sm64. Run using hbmenu.

Make sure you copy the res folder along with the NRO!

Additional info

By default A/B is bound to B/Y, because switch-sdl2 swaps A/B and X/Y to match the X360 positions and I don't like the fix I used in oldtesting. To rebind to A/X, either use the in-game menu or set these two lines in sm64config.txt:

key_a 0026 1001 1103 
key_b 0033 1003 1101