Calculation of travel time (in sec) between points based on the type of transport
- Domain: Mapbox
- Credentials: accessToken
- Log in or Sign up for a Mapbox Account
- Navigate to your Account Settings to get your accessToken
Datatype | Description | Example |
Datepicker | String which includes date and time | 2016-05-28 00:00:00 |
Map | String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated | 50.37, 26.56 |
List | Simple array | ["123", "sample"] |
Select | String with predefined values | sample |
Array | Array of objects | [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}] |
Сalculate the duration of travel by car
Field | Type | Description |
accessToken | credentials | The api key obtained from Mapbox |
coordinates | List | List of Maps (coordinates) minimum 2 pairs of coordinates. Maximum 100 pairs. |
Сalculate the duration of travel by walking
Field | Type | Description |
accessToken | credentials | The api key obtained from Mapbox |
coordinates | List | List of Maps (coordinates) minimum 2 pairs of coordinates. Maximum 100 pairs. |
Сalculate the duration of travel by cycling
Field | Type | Description |
accessToken | credentials | The api key obtained from Mapbox |
coordinates | List | List of Maps (coordinates) minimum 2 pairs of coordinates. Maximum 100 pairs. |
Сalculate for car travel times with traffic
Field | Type | Description |
accessToken | credentials | The api key obtained from Mapbox |
coordinates | List | List of Maps (coordinates) minimum 2 pairs of coordinates. Maximum 100 pairs. |
"accessToken": "Your-accessToken-here",
"coordinates": [{
"-77.03, 38.91"