Read thousands of book reviews by your friends and other Goodreads members, keep a virtual bookshelf of what you've read, and build your to-read list as you discover great books on the website.Goodreads is a free service for everyone who reads. We have more than 35 million members who have added more than 1 billion books.
- Domain:
- Credentials: apiKey, apiSecret
- Register on the
- Create Goodreads application in console
- After creation app, you will receive apiKey and apiSecret
Datatype | Description | Example |
Datepicker | String which includes date and time | 2016-05-28 00:00:00 |
Map | String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated | 50.37, 26.56 |
List | Simple array | ["123", "sample"] |
Select | String with predefined values | sample |
Array | Array of objects | [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}] |
Get Request Token.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
Get Access Credentials (accessToken/accessTokenSecret), after getRequestToken use /oauth/authorize
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
oauthToken | String | The oauthToken obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
oauthTokenSecret | String | The oauthTokenSecret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
Get an response with the Goodreads user_id for the user who authorized access.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
Get a response with a paginated list of an authors books.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
authorId | Number | Goodreads Author id. |
pageNumber | Number | page number,1-N (default 1) |
Get a response with info about an author.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
authorId | Number | Goodreads Author id. |
Make the signed-in user follow an author.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
authorId | Number | Goodreads Author id. |
Unfollow an author.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
followingId | Number | Goodreads following id. |
Get a response describing the association between a user and an author.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
followingId | Number | Goodreads Author id. |
Get Goodreads book IDs given one or more ISBNs. Response contains IDs without any markup.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
isbn | String | ISBNs of books to look up. |
Get Goodreads work IDs given one or more Goodreads book IDs. Response contains work IDs without any markup.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
bookId | Number | Book IDs of books to look up. |
Get review statistics for books given a list of ISBNs.You can mix ISBN10s and ISBN13s, but you'll receive a 422 error if you don't specify any, and you'll receive a 404 if none are found.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
isbns | List | List of ISBNs .(1000 ISBNs per request max.) |
Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget. The reviews widget shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given internal Goodreads book_id. Reviews of all known editions of the book are included.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
bookId | Number | A Goodreads internal book_id. |
textOnly | Select | Only show reviews that have text (default false). |
rating | Number | Show only reviews with a particular rating. |
Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget that shows excerpts (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given ISBN. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
isbn | String | The ISBN of the book to lookup. |
userId | Number | Single user id. |
rating | Number | Show only reviews with a particular rating. |
Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget, which shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given title/author. The book shown will be the most popular book that matches all the keywords in the input string. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
authorName | String | The title of the book to lookup. |
title | String | The author name of the book to lookup. |
rating | Number | Show only reviews with a particular rating. |
Creates a new comment. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
type | Select | The title of the book to lookup. |
resourceId | Number | Id of resource given as type param. |
commentBody | String | Comment body. |
Creates a new comment. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
type | Select | The title of the book to lookup. |
resourceId | Number | Id of resource given as type param. |
page | Number | 1-N (default 1). |
Shows events nearby the authenticating user or you can get a list of events near a location by passing lat/lng coordinates.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
coordinates | Map | Coordinates of location. |
title | String | The author name of the book to lookup. This is optional, but is recommended for accuracy. |
countryCode | String | 2 characters country code. |
ZIPcode | String | ZIP code. |
Start following a user. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
userId | Number | Goodreads user id of the user you want to stop following. |
Stop following a user. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
userId | Number | Goodreads user id of the user you want to stop following. |
Confirm a friend request for the current user. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
friendRequestId | Number | friend request id. |
Decline a friend request for the current user. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
friendRequestId | Number | friend request id. |
Returns a response with the current user's friend requests. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
page | Number | Page: 1-N page of results to show (default 1). |
Sends a friend request to a user. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
friendId | Number | Goodreads user id for friend. |
Let the current user join a given group. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
groupId | Number | id of the group. |
Returns list of groups the user specified by id belongs to.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
userId | Number | Goodreads user id of the user |
sort | Select | 'Members' will sort by number of members in the group. |
Returns list of groups the user specified by id belongs to.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
groupId | Number | Goodreads group id of the group. |
sort | Select | Select sort type. |
listOfNames | List | List of names to search for. Optional, will find all members by default. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
Search group titles and descriptions for the given string.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
searchQuery | String | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
Get info about a group by id.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
sort | Select | Field to sort topics by.. |
order | Select | Field to sort topics by. |
groupId | Number | Id of the group. |
Get the listopia lists for a given book.Version of list/book.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book. |
Viewing any new notifications here will mark them as viewed
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
Adds a book to user's list of owned books.You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book. |
conditionCode | Select | one of 10 (brand new), 20 (like new), 30 (very good), 40 (good), 50 (acceptable), 60 (poor). |
conditionDescription | String | description of book's condition. |
originalPurchaseDate | DatePicker | When book was purchased. |
originalPurchaseLocation | String | Where this book was purchased. |
uniqueCode | String | BookCrossing id (BCID). |
List books owned by a user.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
userId | Number | Goodreads user_id. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
List books owned by a user.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
ownedBookId | Number | ownedBookId is a unique identifier for the owned book (not a book_id). |
Updates a book a user owns.You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
ownedBookId | Number | id of the owned book record. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book. |
conditionCode | Select | one of 10 (brand new), 20 (like new), 30 (very good), 40 (good), 50 (acceptable), 60 (poor). |
conditionDescription | String | description of book's condition. |
originalPurchaseDate | DatePicker | When book was purchased. |
originalPurchaseLocation | String | Where this book was purchased. |
uniqueCode | String | BookCrossing id (BCID). |
Deletes a book a user owns. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
ownedBookId | Number | ownedBookId is a unique identifier for the owned book (not a book_id). |
If you don't specify an author_id, it will try to look one up based on the author_name you provide. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
authorName | String | Name of the quote author. |
authorId | Number | Id of the author. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book from which the quote was taken. |
quoteBody | String | The quote. |
quotaTags | List | List of quota tags. |
isbn | String | ISBN of the book from which the quote was taken. This will not override the book_id if it was provide. |
Like a resource (e.g. review or status update). You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
rating | Number | Resource rating. |
resourceId | Number | Id of the resource being liked. |
resourceType | String | Camel case name of the resource type (e.g. UserStatus, Review). |
Unlike a resource (e.g. review or status update). You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
ratingId | Number | Rating id. |
Get information about a read status update.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
statusId | Number | Read status id. |
Get information about a particular recommendation that one user made for another. Includes comments and likes. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
recommendationId | Number | Recommendation id. |
Add book reviews for members. You'll need to register your app (required).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
bookId | Number | Goodreads book_id. |
textReview | String | Text of the review. |
reviewRating | Number | Rating (0-5) ( default is 0 (No rating)) |
reviewDate | DatePicker | Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01) |
shelf | String | read |
Edit a book review.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
reviewId | Number | Goodreads review id. |
bookId | Number | Goodreads book_id. |
textReview | String | Text of the review. |
reviewRating | Number | Rating (0-5) ( default is 0 (No rating)) |
reviewDate | DatePicker | Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01) |
shelf | String | read |
finished | Select | True to mark finished reading. |
Get the books on a members shelf. Customize the feed with the below variables. Viewing members with profiles who have set them as visible to members only or just their friends.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
variable | String | Customize the feed with the below variables. |
userId | Number | Goodreads id of the user. |
shelf | Number | read, currently-reading, to-read, etc. |
sort | Select | Sort type. |
searchQuery | String | Query text to match against member's books. |
order | Select | Field to sort topics by. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
perPage | Number | Count of item in page. |
Get a response with the most recently added reviews from all members.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
Get a response that contains the review and rating.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
reviewId | Number | Id of the review. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
Get a response that contains the review and rating for the specified book and user.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
userId | Number | Id of the user. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book. |
includeReviewOnWork | Select | 'true' or 'false' indicating whether to return a review for another book in the same work if review not found for the specified book. |
Get an response with the Goodreads url for the given author name.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
authorName | String | Name of the author. |
Get a response with the most popular books for the given query. This will search all books in the title/author/ISBN fields and show matches, sorted by popularity on Goodreads. There will be cases where a result is shown on the Goodreads site, but not through the API. This happens when the result is an Amazon-only edition and we have to honor Amazon's terms of service.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
title | String | Title of the book.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching. |
authorName | String | Author of the book.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching. |
isbn | String | ISBN fields.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching. |
serachField | Select | Field to search,(default is 'all'). |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
Info on a series.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
seriesId | Number | Id of the series. |
List of all series by an author.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
authorId | Number | Id of the author. |
List of all series a work is in.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
workId | Number | Id of the work. |
Add a book to a shelf.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book to add to the shelf. |
shelfName | String | Name of the shelf. |
Remove a book from a shelf.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book to add to the shelf. |
shelfName | String | Name of the shelf. |
Add a list of books to many current user's shelves.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
booksIds | List | Ids of the books to add to the shelf. |
shelvesNames | List | Names of the shelfs. |
Lists shelves for a user.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
userId | Number | Goodreads user id. |
Create a new topic.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
subjectType | Select | Either 'Book' or 'Group'. If 'Book', the book the topic is about. If 'Group', the group that the topic belongs to. |
subjectId | Number | The id for the subject the topic belongs to, either bookId or groupId, as appropriate. |
folderId | Number | If the subject is a group, you can supply a folder id to add the topic to. Be sure that the folder belongs to the group. By default, if the subject_type is 'Group', then the topic will be added to the 'general' folder. |
topicTitle | String | Title for the topic. |
questionFlag | Select | Indicates whether the topic is a discussion question ('true') or not ('false'). Default is false (non-question). |
bodyUsertext | String | The text of the comment that starts the topic thread. Can include Goodreads book/author tags of the form [book:Title |
updateFeed | Select | Indicates whether the comment for the new topic should be added to the users update feed. To enable, set to on`; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed. |
digest | Select | Indicates whether the user would like to receive an email when someone replies to the topic (user will get one email only). To enable, set to 'on'; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed. |
Returns a list of topics in a group's folder specified either by group id.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
groupId | Number | If supplied and id is set to 0, then will return topics from the general folder for the group indicated by. |
folderId | Number | If id is non-zero, this param is ignored. Note: may return 404 if there are no topics in the general folder for the specified group. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
sort | Select | Sort type. |
order | Select | Field to sort topics by. |
Version of topic/show.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
topicId | Number | Id of the topic. |
Get a list of topics from a specified group that have comments added since the last time the user viewed the topic.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
groupId | Number | Id of the group. |
viewed | Select | Indicates whether to show topics user has viewed before or not. Default is to include all topics; set this param to 'true' or '1' to restrict to only topics the user has already viewed. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
sort | Select | Field to sort topics by. |
order | Select | Field to sort topics by. |
Get your friend updates (the same data you see on your homepage).
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
updateType | Select | :Type of update. Valid values are: books, reviews, statuses. (default all) |
updateFilter | Select | Which updates to show. Options are: friends (default - includes followers), following, top_friends. |
maxUpdates | Number | : The max limit of updates. |
Add book shelves for members.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
shelfName | String | Name of the new shelf. |
exclusiveFlag | Select | Default false. |
Add book shelves for members.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
shelfName | String | Name of the new shelf. |
shelfId | Number | Id of the shelf. |
exclusiveFlag | Select | Default false. |
sortableFlag | Select | Default false. |
featured | Select | Default false. |
Get a response with the public information about the given Goodreads user.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
memberId | Number | Goodreads user id. |
Get a response with stats comparing your books to another member's.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
userId | Number | Id of the user. |
Get a response with the given user's followers.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
userId | Number | id of the user. |
Get a response with people the given user is following.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
userId | Number | id of the user. |
Get an xml response with the given user's friends.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
page | Number | Which page of results to show (default 1). |
userId | Number | id of the user. |
sort | Select | Sort type. |
Add status updates for members.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
bookId | Number | Id of the book being reviewed. |
bookPage | Number | Page of the book. |
percent | Number | Percent complete (use instead of page if appropriate). |
statusBody | String | status update (required, unless page or percent is present, then it is optional). |
Delete status updates for members.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
userStatusId | Number | Id of the user status. |
Get information about a user status update.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
userStatusId | Number | Id of the user status. |
Get information about a user status update.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
userStatusId | Number | Id of the user status. |
List of all the available editions of a particular work. This API requires extra permission.
Field | Type | Description |
apiKey | credentials | Api key from app console. |
apiSecret | credentials | Api secret from app console. |
accessToken | String | The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
accessTokenSecret | String | The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials. |
workId | Number | Id of the work. |