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Goodreads Package

Read thousands of book reviews by your friends and other Goodreads members, keep a virtual bookshelf of what you've read, and build your to-read list as you discover great books on the website.Goodreads is a free service for everyone who reads. We have more than 35 million members who have added more than 1 billion books.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the
  2. Create Goodreads application in console
  3. After creation app, you will receive apiKey and apiSecret

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


Get Request Token.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.


Get Access Credentials (accessToken/accessTokenSecret), after getRequestToken use /oauth/authorize url.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
oauthToken String The oauthToken obtained from getAccessCredentials.
oauthTokenSecret String The oauthTokenSecret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.


Get an response with the Goodreads user_id for the user who authorized access.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.


Get a response with a paginated list of an authors books.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
authorId Number Goodreads Author id.
pageNumber Number page number,1-N (default 1)


Get a response with info about an author.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
authorId Number Goodreads Author id.


Make the signed-in user follow an author.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
authorId Number Goodreads Author id.


Unfollow an author.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
followingId Number Goodreads following id.


Get a response describing the association between a user and an author.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
followingId Number Goodreads Author id.


Get Goodreads book IDs given one or more ISBNs. Response contains IDs without any markup.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
isbn String ISBNs of books to look up.


Get Goodreads work IDs given one or more Goodreads book IDs. Response contains work IDs without any markup.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
bookId Number Book IDs of books to look up.


Get review statistics for books given a list of ISBNs.You can mix ISBN10s and ISBN13s, but you'll receive a 422 error if you don't specify any, and you'll receive a 404 if none are found.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
isbns List List of ISBNs .(1000 ISBNs per request max.)


Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget. The reviews widget shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given internal Goodreads book_id. Reviews of all known editions of the book are included.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
bookId Number A Goodreads internal book_id.
textOnly Select Only show reviews that have text (default false).
rating Number Show only reviews with a particular rating.


Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget that shows excerpts (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given ISBN. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
isbn String The ISBN of the book to lookup.
userId Number Single user id.
rating Number Show only reviews with a particular rating.


Get a response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget, which shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given title/author. The book shown will be the most popular book that matches all the keywords in the input string. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
authorName String The title of the book to lookup.
title String The author name of the book to lookup.
rating Number Show only reviews with a particular rating.


Creates a new comment. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
type Select The title of the book to lookup.
resourceId Number Id of resource given as type param.
commentBody String Comment body.


Creates a new comment. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
type Select The title of the book to lookup.
resourceId Number Id of resource given as type param.
page Number 1-N (default 1).


Shows events nearby the authenticating user or you can get a list of events near a location by passing lat/lng coordinates.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
coordinates Map Coordinates of location.
title String The author name of the book to lookup. This is optional, but is recommended for accuracy.
countryCode String 2 characters country code.
ZIPcode String ZIP code.


Start following a user. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
userId Number Goodreads user id of the user you want to stop following.


Stop following a user. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
userId Number Goodreads user id of the user you want to stop following.


Confirm a friend request for the current user. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
friendRequestId Number friend request id.


Decline a friend request for the current user. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
friendRequestId Number friend request id.


Returns a response with the current user's friend requests. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
page Number Page: 1-N page of results to show (default 1).


Sends a friend request to a user. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
friendId Number Goodreads user id for friend.


Let the current user join a given group. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
groupId Number id of the group.


Returns list of groups the user specified by id belongs to.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
userId Number Goodreads user id of the user
sort Select 'Members' will sort by number of members in the group.


Returns list of groups the user specified by id belongs to.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
groupId Number Goodreads group id of the group.
sort Select Select sort type.
listOfNames List List of names to search for. Optional, will find all members by default.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).


Search group titles and descriptions for the given string.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
searchQuery String Which page of results to show (default 1).


Get info about a group by id.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
sort Select Field to sort topics by..
order Select Field to sort topics by.
groupId Number Id of the group.


Get the listopia lists for a given book.Version of list/book.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
bookId Number Id of the book.


Viewing any new notifications here will mark them as viewed.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).


Adds a book to user's list of owned books.You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
bookId Number Id of the book.
conditionCode Select one of 10 (brand new), 20 (like new), 30 (very good), 40 (good), 50 (acceptable), 60 (poor).
conditionDescription String description of book's condition.
originalPurchaseDate DatePicker When book was purchased.
originalPurchaseLocation String Where this book was purchased.
uniqueCode String BookCrossing id (BCID).


List books owned by a user.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
userId Number Goodreads user_id.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).


List books owned by a user.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
ownedBookId Number ownedBookId is a unique identifier for the owned book (not a book_id).


Updates a book a user owns.You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
ownedBookId Number id of the owned book record.
bookId Number Id of the book.
conditionCode Select one of 10 (brand new), 20 (like new), 30 (very good), 40 (good), 50 (acceptable), 60 (poor).
conditionDescription String description of book's condition.
originalPurchaseDate DatePicker When book was purchased.
originalPurchaseLocation String Where this book was purchased.
uniqueCode String BookCrossing id (BCID).


Deletes a book a user owns. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
ownedBookId Number ownedBookId is a unique identifier for the owned book (not a book_id).


If you don't specify an author_id, it will try to look one up based on the author_name you provide. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
authorName String Name of the quote author.
authorId Number Id of the author.
bookId Number Id of the book from which the quote was taken.
quoteBody String The quote.
quotaTags List List of quota tags.
isbn String ISBN of the book from which the quote was taken. This will not override the book_id if it was provide.


Like a resource (e.g. review or status update). You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
rating Number Resource rating.
resourceId Number Id of the resource being liked.
resourceType String Camel case name of the resource type (e.g. UserStatus, Review).


Unlike a resource (e.g. review or status update). You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
ratingId Number Rating id.


Get information about a read status update.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
statusId Number Read status id.


Get information about a particular recommendation that one user made for another. Includes comments and likes. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
recommendationId Number Recommendation id.


Add book reviews for members. You'll need to register your app (required).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
bookId Number Goodreads book_id.
textReview String Text of the review.
reviewRating Number Rating (0-5) ( default is 0 (No rating))
reviewDate DatePicker Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01)
shelf String read


Edit a book review.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
reviewId Number Goodreads review id.
bookId Number Goodreads book_id.
textReview String Text of the review.
reviewRating Number Rating (0-5) ( default is 0 (No rating))
reviewDate DatePicker Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01)
shelf String read
finished Select True to mark finished reading.


Get the books on a members shelf. Customize the feed with the below variables. Viewing members with profiles who have set them as visible to members only or just their friends.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
variable String Customize the feed with the below variables.
userId Number Goodreads id of the user.
shelf Number read, currently-reading, to-read, etc.
sort Select Sort type.
searchQuery String Query text to match against member's books.
order Select Field to sort topics by.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
perPage Number Count of item in page.


Get a response with the most recently added reviews from all members.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.


Get a response that contains the review and rating.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
reviewId Number Id of the review.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).


Get a response that contains the review and rating for the specified book and user.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
userId Number Id of the user.
bookId Number Id of the book.
includeReviewOnWork Select 'true' or 'false' indicating whether to return a review for another book in the same work if review not found for the specified book.


Get an response with the Goodreads url for the given author name.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
authorName String Name of the author.


Get a response with the most popular books for the given query. This will search all books in the title/author/ISBN fields and show matches, sorted by popularity on Goodreads. There will be cases where a result is shown on the Goodreads site, but not through the API. This happens when the result is an Amazon-only edition and we have to honor Amazon's terms of service.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
title String Title of the book.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching.
authorName String Author of the book.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching.
isbn String ISBN fields.Supports boolean operators and phrase searching.
serachField Select Field to search,(default is 'all').
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).


Info on a series.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
seriesId Number Id of the series.


List of all series by an author.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
authorId Number Id of the author.


List of all series a work is in.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
workId Number Id of the work.


Add a book to a shelf.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
bookId Number Id of the book to add to the shelf.
shelfName String Name of the shelf.


Remove a book from a shelf.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
bookId Number Id of the book to add to the shelf.
shelfName String Name of the shelf.


Add a list of books to many current user's shelves.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
booksIds List Ids of the books to add to the shelf.
shelvesNames List Names of the shelfs.


Lists shelves for a user.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
userId Number Goodreads user id.


Create a new topic.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
subjectType Select Either 'Book' or 'Group'. If 'Book', the book the topic is about. If 'Group', the group that the topic belongs to.
subjectId Number The id for the subject the topic belongs to, either bookId or groupId, as appropriate.
folderId Number If the subject is a group, you can supply a folder id to add the topic to. Be sure that the folder belongs to the group. By default, if the subject_type is 'Group', then the topic will be added to the 'general' folder.
topicTitle String Title for the topic.
questionFlag Select Indicates whether the topic is a discussion question ('true') or not ('false'). Default is false (non-question).
bodyUsertext String The text of the comment that starts the topic thread. Can include Goodreads book/author tags of the form [book:Title
updateFeed Select Indicates whether the comment for the new topic should be added to the users update feed. To enable, set to on`; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed.
digest Select Indicates whether the user would like to receive an email when someone replies to the topic (user will get one email only). To enable, set to 'on'; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed.


Returns a list of topics in a group's folder specified either by group id.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
groupId Number If supplied and id is set to 0, then will return topics from the general folder for the group indicated by.
folderId Number If id is non-zero, this param is ignored. Note: may return 404 if there are no topics in the general folder for the specified group.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
sort Select Sort type.
order Select Field to sort topics by.


Version of topic/show.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
topicId Number Id of the topic.


Get a list of topics from a specified group that have comments added since the last time the user viewed the topic.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
groupId Number Id of the group.
viewed Select Indicates whether to show topics user has viewed before or not. Default is to include all topics; set this param to 'true' or '1' to restrict to only topics the user has already viewed.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
sort Select Field to sort topics by.
order Select Field to sort topics by.


Get your friend updates (the same data you see on your homepage).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
updateType Select :Type of update. Valid values are: books, reviews, statuses. (default all)
updateFilter Select Which updates to show. Options are: friends (default - includes followers), following, top_friends.
maxUpdates Number : The max limit of updates.


Add book shelves for members.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
shelfName String Name of the new shelf.
exclusiveFlag Select Default false.


Add book shelves for members.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
shelfName String Name of the new shelf.
shelfId Number Id of the shelf.
exclusiveFlag Select Default false.
sortableFlag Select Default false.
featured Select Default false.


Get a response with the public information about the given Goodreads user.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
memberId Number Goodreads user id.


Get a response with stats comparing your books to another member's.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
userId Number Id of the user.


Get a response with the given user's followers.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
userId Number id of the user.


Get a response with people the given user is following.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
userId Number id of the user.


Get an xml response with the given user's friends.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
page Number Which page of results to show (default 1).
userId Number id of the user.
sort Select Sort type.


Add status updates for members.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
bookId Number Id of the book being reviewed.
bookPage Number Page of the book.
percent Number Percent complete (use instead of page if appropriate).
statusBody String status update (required, unless page or percent is present, then it is optional).


Delete status updates for members.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
userStatusId Number Id of the user status.


Get information about a user status update.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
userStatusId Number Id of the user status.


Get information about a user status update.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
userStatusId Number Id of the user status.


List of all the available editions of a particular work. This API requires extra permission.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key from app console.
apiSecret credentials Api secret from app console.
accessToken String The Access Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
accessTokenSecret String The Access Secret Token obtained from getAccessCredentials.
workId Number Id of the work.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
