This ROS 2 package processes LiDAR point cloud data to include additional fields such as ring, intensity and time, for ISAAC SIM. It dynamically subscribes to a specified topic for input data, computes the ring ID, intensity and time offset for each point, and republishes the augmented point cloud to an output topic.
The package supports dynamic configuration of parameters like the number of vertical beams (N_SCAN) and horizontal resolution (Horizon_SCAN) through launch file arguments.
sudo xargs -a requirements.txt apt install -y
To launch the node with dynamic parameters:
ros2 launch isaac_sim_pointcloud_full_publisher robot_namespace:=scout_1_1 config_file:=velodyne_vls_128.yaml
- ROS 2 (Humble or later)
- rclcpp
- sensor_msgs
- std_msgs
- PCL (Point Cloud Library)
- pcl_conversions
Topic Name | Type | Role |
/robot_namespace/scan3D |
sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 |
Subscriber |
/robot_namespace/scan3D_with_rings |
sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 |
Publisher |
Note: Replace robot_namespace
with the desired namespace using the launch file argument.
Launch Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
robot_namespace |
robot_x |
Namespace of the robot used in the topic names. |
Below config for Velodyne VLS128.
Config Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
lidar_name |
velodyne |
(velodyne, Ouster, and any lidar supported by Isaac SIM) |
vertical_channels |
128 |
Number of vertical beams (LiDAR channels). |
horizontal_resolution |
1800 |
Horizontal resolution (points per scan). |
fov_bottom |
-25 |
FoV below horizon |
fov_top |
15 |
FoV above horizon. |
min_dist |
1.0 |
Minimum range of the LiDAR. |
max_dist |
120.0 |
Maximum range of the LiDAR. |
To create a new params file, use the above parameters, and place it under /Params
This package is tested with the following LiDAR configuration:
- Beams: 128
- Points per Scan: 2048
- Frame ID: "LiDAR"
- Ring Field: Calculated dynamically based on vertical angle.
colcon build --packages-select isaac_sim_pointcloud_full_publisher
To visualize the output point cloud with the ring
- Add a PointCloud2 display.
- Set the topic to
. - Use Color Transformer -> AxisColor to view different ring IDs.
This package is released under the Apache 2.0 License.