The QuickPay SDK wraps the QuickPay API and provides the necessary functionality and convenience to add native payments to your app.
You can find the newest version of the QuickPay SDK on the GitHub repo. We are working on releasing it through a package manager in the future.
You will need to add an activity to your AndroidManifest.xml in order to show the payment window.
<activity android:name="net.quickpay.quickpaysdk.QuickPayActivity" />
In order for the SDK to communicate with QuickPay, you will need an API key. You can create one by logging in to your QuickPay account and navigate to Settings -> Users.
This guide will take you through the steps needed to integrate the QuickPay SDK with your code and demonstrate how to make basic payments with the different payment methods the SDK supports.
In your MainActivity, you need to initialize the SDK with your API key and Context.
QuickPay.init(apiKey: String, context: Context)
To make a payment and authorize it you need to follow these four steps
- Create a payment
- Create a payment session
- Authorize the payment
- Check the payment status to see if the authorization went well
All payments need to go through these four steps but some services, like the payment window, will handle multiple of these steps in one request.
The payment windows are the easiest and quickest way to get payments up and running, it is currently also the only way you can accept payments with credit cards through the QuickPay SDK. The payment window handles step 2 and 3 of the payment flow for you, so the order of operations looks like this.
- Create payment
- Generate a payment URL and display the payment window
- Check the payment status
To create a payment you first need to specify some parameters which are wrapped in the QPCreatePaymentParameters
class. Afterward, you pass the parameters to the constructor of a QPCreatePaymentRequest
. Last you need to send the request to QuickPay, this is done with the sendRequest
function on the request itself which requires a success and failure handler.
val params = QPCreatePaymentParameters(currency: "DKK", order_id: "SomeOrderId")
val request = QPCreatePaymentRequest(params)
request.sendRequest(listener = { payment ->
// Handle the payment
}, errorListener = { statusCode, message, error ->
// Handle the failure
If this succeeds a QPPayment
will be given to you in the success listener. The next step is to generate a payment URL that you will need in order to display the web-based payment window. The needed parameters for this request are wrapped in QPCreatePaymentLinkParameters
and is needed in the constructor of a QPCreatePaymentLinkRequest
. The parameters need a payment id and the amount it needs to authorize. Send the request and wait for the response.
val linkParams = QPCreatePaymentLinkParameters(, 100.0)
val linkRequest = QPCreatePaymentLinkRequest(linkParams)
linkRequest.sendRequest(listener = { paymentLink ->
// Handle the paymentLink
}, errorListener = { statusCode, message, error ->
// Handle the failure
The last step is to use the QPPaymentLink
to open the payment window. This is done by passing the paymentLink to the QuickPay class and then wait for the activity result.
QuickPayActivity.openQuickPayPaymentWindow(this, paymentLink)
Now you override the onActivityResult function and check if the requestCode matches the QuickPayActivity and then use the data in the intent to figure out if the payment went through.
public override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, intent: Intent?) {
if (requestCode == QuickPayActivity.QUICKPAY_INTENT_CODE) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val returnedResult = intent?.data?.toString() ?: ""
if (returnedResult == QuickPayActivity.SUCCESS_RESULT) {
// Handle the success
else if (returnedResult == QuickPayActivity.FAILURE_RESULT) {
// Handle the failure
else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Handle the cancel
If the result is a success the payment has been handled but we do not yet know if the payment has actually been authorized. For that, we need to check the status of the payment which is done with the QPGetPaymentRequest
QPGetPaymentRequest(paymentId).sendRequest(listener = { payment ->
if (payment.accepted) {
// The payment has been authorized 👍
}, errorListener = { statusCode, message, error ->
// Handle the failure