This repository has been archived.
This repository was created to explore the use of Rancher Desktop for local development of the OGDC. QGreenland-Net developers have adopted Rancher Desktop.
Followed .deb install instructions.
Files in this repo created following hello world example instructions.
Run command to build the image and then view it:
docker build --tag nginx-helloworld:latest . docker images | grep nginx-helloworld
Deploy to k8s:
kubectl run hello-world --image=nginx-helloworld:latest --image-pull-policy=Never --port=80 kubectl port-forward pods/hello-world 8080:80
You will need to wait in between these commands, or you may receive
error: unable to forward port because pod is not running. Current status=Pending
.Once the second command is run, your shell will be captured.
to view a lovely message.