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mitum-java-util is a Java tool that can create jobs for the models below.

All addresses and keys are examples only. Never mind each value in the example.

Use the exact address and key that you can trust when using it. Do not trust all values in this document example.

With regard to the values given in all examples of this document, we are not responsible for the use of incorrect values.


Recommended requirements for mitum-java-util are,

  • Java - OpenJDK v17.0.1
  • Javac - javac v17.0.1
  • Gradle - gradle v7.4

Additionally, This project is using below external Java libraries.

And you must download and add ecdsa-keygen-java v1.5 to the project to build.

$ java -version
java 17.0.1 2021-10-19 LTS

$ javac -version
javac 17.0.1

$ gradlew --version

Gradle 7.4

Download jar file and include the package to your project.

The latest version is mitum-java-util-4.2.1-jdk17.jar.


Run the following command to test the package:

$ gradle test

3 actionable tasks: 3 up-to-date

$ ./gradlew test

3 actionable tasks: 3 up-to-date

How to Use

Add the following line to your build.gradle file.

implementation files('./lib/mitum-java-util-4.2.1-jdk17.jar')


1 Generate Keypairs
2 How to Use Generator
2-1 Support Operations
2-2 Get Address from Keys
2-3 Generate JSON File from Operation and Seal
3 Currency Operations
3-1 Create Accounts
3-2 Key Updater
3-3 Transfers
3-4 Create Contract Accounts
3-5 Withdraws
4 Document Operations
4-1 BlockSign Documents
4-2 BlockCity Documents
4-3 Create Documents
4-4 Update Documents
4-5 BlockSign Sign Documents
5 Feefi Operations
5-1 Pool Register
5-2 Pool Policy Updater
5-3 Pool Deposits
5-4 Pool Withdraw
6 NFT Operations
6-1 Collection Register
6-2 Collection Policy Updater
6-3 Approve
6-4 Delegate
6-5 NFT Mint
6-6 NFT Sign
6-7 NFT Transfer
6-8 NFT Burn
7 Generate New Seal
8 Send Messages to Network
9 Sign Message
10 Add Fact Signature to Operation


About Time Stamp

Generate Keypairs

org.mitumc.sdk supports keypair generation for mitum.

Each private key, public key, and mitum-currency address has its own suffix.

private key: mpr public key: mpu address: mca


  • org.mitumc.sdk.key.Keypair

Keypair.random() returns new keypair for mitum. Keypair.create() has been deprecated.

You can use Keypair.fromPrivateKey(String key) when you already have a private key.

If you have seed of your private key, just use Keypair.fromSeed(String seed).

Or, you can use Keypair.fromSeed(byte[] seed).

new String(seed).length() should be longer than or equal to 36.

Keypair random();
Keypair fromSeed(seed);
Keypair fromPrivateKey(privKey);


import org.mitumc.sdk.key.Keypair;
Keypair kp = Keypair.random();

kp.getPrivateKey(); // returns private key of the keypair
kp.getPublicKey(); // returns public key of the keypair

String key = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
Keypair pkp = Keypair.fromPrivateKey(key);

String seed =  "This is a seed for the example; Keypair.fromSeed()";
Keypair skp = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);

byte[] bseed = seed.getBytes();
Keypair skp = Keypair.fromSeed(bseed);

When creating a key pair using the mnemonic of the protocon and mitum wallet, observe the following procedure.

  1. Create a byte[]-type seed from the mnemonic.
  2. After base58 encoding, convert the seed generated in 1. into a String-type string.
  3. Create a mitum key pair by inserting the string of 2. into Keypair.fromSeed(String).

How to Use Generator

This section describes how to use Generator.

Support Operations

mitum-java-util provides three operations of mitum-currency.

  • create-accounts uses pre-registered accounts to create accounts from public keys.
  • key-updater replaces the public key of the account.
  • transfers transfers tokens from one account to another.

There are many different types of operations for mitum-currency, but mitum-java-util provides only three of these frequently used operations.

mitum-java-util provides two operations of mitum-currency-extension.

  • create-contract-accounts creates a contract account.
  • withdraws withdraws tokens from the contract account.

In addition, mitum-java-util provides two operations of mitum-document.

  • create-documents creates an document.
  • update-documents updates the state of the document.

And currently, this sdk supports two models: blocksign and blockcity implemented based on mitum-document.

mitum blocksign provides an additional operation called , sign-documents.

The following types of documents are available for each model:

  • blocksign for blocksign.
  • user, land, vote, and history for blockcity.

mitum-java-util provides four operations of mitum-feefi.

  • pool-register registers 'pool' in the contract account.
  • pool-policy-updater updates 'policy' of the pool in the contract account.
  • pool-deposits deposits amounts in the pool.
  • pool-withdraw withdraws amounts from the pool.

Finally, mitum-java-util provides seven operations of mitum-nft.

  • collection-register registers 'collection' in the contract account.
  • collection-policy-updater updates collection policy.
  • nft mint registers a new nft in 'collection'.
  • nft transfer changes ownership of nft.
  • nft burn burns nft.
  • approve delegates the authority to change ownership of a specific nft to a general account.
  • delegate delegates the authority to change ownership of all nfts owned by some general account for a specific 'collection'.
  • Through nft sign, you can sign nft as a creator or copyrighter.


  • org.mitumc.sdk.Generator

You can use Generator by this library.

First of all, set network id by Generator.get(id).

For mitum-currency, use Generator.currency.

For mitum-document, use Generator.document.

For mitum-feefi, use Generator.feefi.

For mitum-nft, use Generator.nft.

Generator.currency provides one more generator.

For mitum-currency-extension, use Generator.currency.extension.

Generator.document provides two more generators.

For blocksign, use Generator.document.blocksign.

For blockcity, use Generator.document.blockcity.

String id = "mitum";
Generator generator = Generator.get(id);

generator.currency // for currency
generator.currency.extenion // for currency-extension
generator.document // for document
generator.document.blocksign // for blocksign
generator.document.blockcity // for blockcity
generator.feefi // for feefi
generator.nft // for nft

Currency Generator

Using Generator.currency, following methods are available.

CreateAccountsItem getCreateAccountsItem(Keys keys, Amount[] amounts);
TransfersItem getTransfersItem(String receiver, Amount[] amounts);

CreateAccountsFact getCreateAccountsFact(String sender, CreateAccountsItem[] items);
KeyUpdaterFact getKeyUpdaterFact(String target, String currency, Keys keys);
TransfersFact getTransfersFact(String sender, TransfersItem[] items);

Using Generator.currency.extension, following methods are available.

CreateContractAccountsItem getCreateContractAccountsItem(Keys keys, Amount[] amounts);
WithdrawsItem getWithdrawsItem(String target, Amount[] amounts);

CreateContractAccountsFact getCreateContractAccountsFact(String sender, CreateContractAccountsItem[] items);
WithdrawsFact getWithdrawsFact(String sender, WithdrawsItem[] items);            

Document Generator

Using Generator.document, following methods are available.

CreateDocumentsItem getCreateDocumentsItem(Document document, String currency);
UpdateDocumentsItem getUpdateDocumentsItem(Document document, String currency);
CreateDocumentsFact getCreateDocumentsFact(String sender, CreateDocumentsItem[] items);
UpdateDocumentsFact getUpdateDocumentsFact(String sender, UpdateDocumentsItem[] items);

Note that create-documents and update-documents of mitum-document are common operations of blocksign and blockcity.

So document helps to generate item and fact of those operations simultaneously.

  1. Using Generator.document.blocksign following methods are available.
BlockSignUser user(String address, String signCode, boolean signed);
Document document(String documentId, String owner, String fileHash, BlockSignUser creator, String title, String size, BlockSignUser[] signers);

SignDocumentsItem getSignDocumentsItem(String documentId, String owner, String currency);
SignDocumentsFact getSignDocumentsFact(String sender, SignDocumentsItem[] items);

Note that sign-documents is provided only for blocksign.

So what supports sign-documents is Generator.document.blocksign rather than Generator.document.

The output of user is served as 'creator' or 'signer' of document.

  1. Using Generator.document.blockcity, following methods are available.
Candidate candidate(String address, String nickname, String manifest, int count);
UserStatistics userStatistics(int hp, int strength, int agility, int dexterity, int charisma, int intelligence, int vital);

Document userDocument(String documentId, String owner, int gold, int bankGold, UserStatistics statistics);
Document landDocument(String documentId, String owner, String address, String area, String renter, String account, String rentDate, int period);
Document voteDocument(String documentId, String owner, int round, String endTime, Candidate[] candidates, String bossName, String account, String office);
Document historyDocument(String documentId, String owner, String name, String account, String date, String usage, String app);

Feefi Generator

Using Generator.feefi, following methods are available.

PoolRegisterFact getPoolRegisterFact(String sender, String target, String initialFee, String incomeCid, String outlayCid, String currency);
PoolPolicyUpdaterFact getPoolPolicyUpdaterFact(String sender, String target, String fee, String incomeCid, String outlayCid, String currency);
PoolDepositsFact getPoolDepositsFact(String sender, String pool, String incomeCid, String outlayCid, String amount);
PoolWithdrawFact getPoolWithdrawFact(String sender, String pool, String incomeCid, String outlayCid, Amount[] amounts);

NFT Generator

Using Generator.nft, following methods are available.

NFTSigner signer(String account, int share, boolean signed);
NFTSigners signers(int total, NFTSigner[] signers);
CollectionRegisterForm collectionRegisterForm(String target, String symbol, String name, int royalty, String uri, String[] whites);
CollectionPolicy collectionPolicy(String name, int royalty, String uri, String[] whites);
MintForm mintForm(String hash, String uri, NFTSigners creators, NFTSigners copyrighters);

MintItem getMintItem(String collection, MintForm form, String currency);
NFTTransferItem getTransferItem(String receiver, NFTID nid, String currency);
BurnItem getBurnItem(NFTID nid, String currency);
NFTSignItem getSignItem(String qualification, NFTID nid, String currency);
ApproveItem getApproveItem(String approved, NFTID nid, String currency);
DelegateItem getDelegateItem(String collection, String agent, String mode, String currency);

CollectionRegisterFact getCollectionRegisterFact(String sender, CollectionRegisterForm form, String currency);
CollectionPolicyUpdaterFact getCollectionPolicyUpdaterFact(String sender, String collection, CollectionPolicy policy, String currency);
MintFact getMintFact(String sender, MintItem[] items);
NFTTransferFact getTransferFact(String sender, NFTTransferItem[] items);
BurnFact getBurnFact(String sender, BurnItem[] items);
NFTSignFact getSignFact(String sender, NFTSignItem[] items);
ApproveFact getApproveFact(String sender, ApproveItem[] items);
DelegateFact getDelegateFact(String sender, DelegateItem[] items);

Generate Operation by Generator

Generator provides methods for generating operation and seal.

Operation getOperation(OperationFact fact);
Operation getOperation(OperationFact fact, String memo);
HashMap<String, Object> getSeal(String signKey, Operation[] operations);
HashMap<String, Object> getSeal(String signKey, JsonObject[] operations);
HashMap<String, Object> randomKeys();
HashMap<String, Object> randomKeys(int numOfKeys);

Use cases of Generator can be found in the next chapter.

Get Address from Keys

First, you have to create Keys. Use key and keys of Generator.

Note that 1 <= threshold, weight <= 100.

How to Get Address

// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.Key;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.Keys;

Key key = Key.get("24TbbrNYVngpPEdq6Zc5rD1PQSTGQpqwabB9nVmmonXjqmpu", 100);
Keys keys = Keys.get(new Key[]{key}, 100);

String address = keys.getAddress(); // your address

Get Random Accounts by Using Generator

// import java.util.HashMap;

// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.Keys;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.Keypair;

int numOfKeys = 10;
HashMap<String, Object> rkeys = Generator.randomKeys(numOfKeys);

Keys keys = (Keys) rkeys.get(Keys.ID);
HashMap<String, Keypair> kps = (HashMap<String, Keypair>) rkeys.get(Keypair.ID);

String rAccountAddress = keys.getAddress();

// to get the keypair corresponding a key in keys...
Keypair k = kps.get(keys.getKeys().get(0).getKey()); // first key in keys

Generate JSON File from Operation and Seal


  • org.mitumc.sdk.JSONParser

You can create a json file of generated operation object without JSONParser. However, I recommend to use JSONParser for convenience.

Methods that JSONParser supports are,

JsonObject getObjectFromJsonFile(String fpName);
JsonObject getObjectFromHashMap(HashMap<String, Object> target);
void writeJsonFileFromJsonObject(JsonObject target, String fpName);
void writeJsonFileFromHashMap(HashMap target, String fpName);
HashMap<String, Object> mergeOperations(JsonObject[] operations);
HashMap<String, Object> mergeOperations(HashMap<String, Object>[] operations);

Note that you don't have to use JSONParser when you create a json file of operations without creating seals.

Just use Operation.exportToJsonFile(String fp).

A use-case of JSONParser will be introduced in the next part, too.

Currency Operations

This part explains how to generate currency operations by Generator.

Supported operations are

  • create-accounts
  • key-updater
  • transfers

Create Accounts

For new account, currency id and initial amount must be set. With source account, you can create and register new account of target public key.

Note that source account must be already registered one.

When you use Generator, you must set network id before you create something.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.JSONParser;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetPub = "knW2wVXH399P9Xg8aVjAGuMkk3uTBZwcSpcy4aR3UjiAmpu";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Key key = Key.get(targetPub, 100);
Keys keys = Keys.get(new Key[] { keys }, 100);
Amount amount = Amount.get("PEN", "100");

CreateAccountsItem item = gn.currency.getCreateAccountsItem(keys, new Amount[] { amount });
CreateAccountsFact fact = gn.currency.getCreateAccountsFact(senderAddr, new CreateAccountsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);

// use json parser
JSONParser.writeJsonFileFromHashMap(operation.toDict(), "createaccounts.json");

// or...

You must add new fact signature by sign() before creating operation json files.

With JSONParser.writeJsonFileFromHashMap(target, filePath), the result format will be like this. (Each value is up to input arguments and time)

Key Updater

key-updater literally supports to update source public key to something else.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.*;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetPub = "27uxAwUpvdc9sbRgztW8LrNoHnBmwgKavGuU6KvWzCgnimpu";

Key key = Key.get(targetPub, 100);
Keys keys = Keys.get(new Key[]{key}, 100);

KeyUpdaterFact fact = gn.currency.getKeyUpdaterFact(senderAddr, "MCC", keys);
Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Then keys of the source account will be replaced with target keys.


To generate an operation, you must prepare target address, not public key. transfers supports to send tokens to another account.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Amount amount = Amount.get("MCC", "1000");
TransfersItem item = gn.currency.getTransfersItem(targetAddr, new Amount[]{ amount });

TransfersFact fact = gn.currency.getTransfersFact(senderAddr, new TransfersItem[]{ item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Create Contract Accounts

For a new contract account, you need to set current id and initial amount. You can use a pre-registered account to create and register new contract accounts from the target public keys.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.extension.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetPub = "knW2wVXH399P9Xg8aVjAGuMkk3uTBZwcSpcy4aR3UjiAmpu";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Key key = Key.get(targetPub, 100);
Keys keys = Keys.get(new Key[] { keys }, 100);
Amount amount = Amount.get("PEN", "100");

CreateContractAccountsItem item = gn.currency.extension.getCreateContractAccountsItem(keys, new Amount[] { amount });
CreateContractAccountsFact fact = gn.currency.extension.getCreateContractAccountsFact(senderAddr, new CreateContractAccountsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);



withdraws is an operation for withdrawing tokens from a contract account.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.key.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.currency.extension.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Amount amount = Amount.get("PEN", "100");

WithdrawsItem item = gn.currency.extension.getWithdrawsItem(targetAddr, new Amount[] { amount });
WithdrawsFact fact = gn.currency.extension.getWithdrawsFact(senderAddr, new WithdrawsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Document Operations

To create or update documents, you must prepare available document objects for each type of operation item.

For example, blocksign supports blocksign document, a type of document with the hint mitum-blocksign-document-data.

However, blockcity supports four types of document, including user/land/vote/history documents, and their hints are different from blocksign.

That is, you must create a document that corresponds to the type of document you want.

So let's start with how to create documents for each type.

BlockSign Documents

As mentioned, blocksign uses only one document type, blocksign document.

First, you must prepare a creator and signers.

For convenience, call each of them user.

A user can be generated by Generator.document.blocksign.user(address, signCode, signed)

What you have to prepare to generate document are...:

  • document id
  • owner
  • file hash
  • creator - from user
  • title
  • file size
  • a signer list - signers from user

Note that every document ids of blocksign are followed by the type suffix sdi.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.Document;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.blocksign.BlockSignUser;

String signer1 = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";
String signer2 = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

BlockSignUser creator = gn.document.blocksign.user(signer1, "signcode01", true);
BlockSignUser user1 = gn.document.blocksign.user(signer1, "signcode01", true);
BlockSignUser user2 = gn.document.blocksign.user(signer2, "signcode02", false);

Document document = gn.document.blocksign.document("4000sdi", signer1, "test-hs:01", creator, "test-doc-01", "12345", new BlockSignUser[] { user1, user2 });

BlockCity Documents

Supported document types of blockcity are...:

  • User Data
  • Land Data
  • Voting Data
  • History Data

Note a document id for each document type has a unique suffix.

  • user data: cui
  • land data: cli
  • vote data: cvi
  • history data: chi

Those documents are used only by blockcity.

If you wonder what each argument means, see Generator.

User Document

What you must prepare before generate a user document are...:

  • document id
  • Each value in a user statistics
  • document owner
  • user's gold and bank gold


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.Document;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.blockcity.UserStatistics;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

UserStatistics statistics = gn.document.blockcity.userStatistics(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
Document document = gn.document.blockcity.userDocument("user01cui", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", 1, 1, statistics);      

Land Document

What you must prepare are...:

  • document id
  • document owner
  • address to rent
  • area to rent
  • renter who rent
  • account who rent
  • rent date and period


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.Document;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Document document = gn.document.blockcity.landDocument("land01cli", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", "addr-01", "area-01", "renter01", "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca", "2022-02-02", 5);

Vote Document

What you must prepare are...:

  • voting round
  • candidates and their manifests
  • document id
  • document owner
  • end date for voting
  • boss name
  • account
  • termofoffice


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.Document;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Candidate c1 = gn.document.blockcity.candidate("FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", "nickname-01", "HI", 1);
Candidate c2 = gn.document.blockcity.candidate("77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca", "nickname-02", "HELLO", 2);   
Document document = gn.document.blockcity.voteDocument("vote01cvi", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", 1, "2022-02-28T02:20:34.333Z", new Candidate[] { c1, c2 }, "boss01", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", "5");

History Document

What you must prepare are...:

  • document id
  • document owner
  • name
  • account
  • date
  • usage
  • application


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.Document;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

Document document = gn.document.blockcity.historyDocument("hist01chi", "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca", "hello", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", "2022-02-25T08:03:22.234Z", "usage090", "app090");

Create Documents

All models based on mitum-document are played with operations, create-documents and update-documents.

So in this section, we will introduce how to generate create-documents and update-documents operation with documents you prepared.

About generating documents, go to the previous section.

To generate create-documents operation, you have to prepare,

  • currency id for fees
  • document
  • sender's address and private key


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

String sender = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";
String priv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
// document: Document object you made

CreateDocumentsItem item = gn.document.getCreateDocumentsItem(document, "PEN");
CreateDocumentsFact fact = gn.document.getCreateDocumentsFact(sender, new CreateDocumentsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


See the start of Generate Document Operations for Document.

See Generator for details.

Update Documents

To generate create-documents operation, you have to prepare,

  • currency id for fees
  • document object generated along the above instructions.
  • sender's address and private key


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.*;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

String sender = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";
String priv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
// document: Document object you made

UpdateDocumentsItem item = gn.document.getUpdateDocumentsItem(document, "PEN");
UpdateDocumentsFact fact = gn.document.getUpdateDocumentsFact(sender, new UpdateDocumentsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


See the start of Generate Document Operations for Document.

See Generator for details.

BlockSign Sign Documents

As mentioned, sign-documents operation is used only for blocksign.

So you must use blocksign specific generator, Generator.document.blocksign to generate items and facts of sign-documents.

To generate items of sign-document, you must prepare...:

  • document id
  • owner's address
  • currency id for fee

Note that you don't have to prepare document for sign-documents. Only document id is needed.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.document.blocksign.*;

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

SignDocumentsItem item = gn.document.blocksign.getSignDocumentsItem("4000sdi", "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", "PEN");
SignDocumentsFact fact = gn.document.blocksign.getSignDocumentsFact("FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca", new SignDocumentsItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Feefi Operations

This part shows how to generate operations for the feefi model.

Pool Register

pool-register supports the registration of pool in the contract account.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.feefi.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

PoolRegisterFact fact = gn.feefi.getPoolRegisterFact(senderAddr, targetAddr, "1000", "PEN", "MCC", "MCC");

Operation op = Generator.get("mitum").getOperation(fact);


Pool Policy Updater

pool-policy-updater supports to update a registered pool policy.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.feefi.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

PoolPolicyUpdaterFact fact = gn.feefi.getPoolPolicyUpdaterFact(senderAddr, targetAddr, "1000, "MCC", "ABC", "MCC");

PoolPolicyUpdater operation = gn.getOperation(fact, "");


Pool Deposits

pool-deposits supports depositing amounts into the pool.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.feefi.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

PoolDepositsFact fact = gn.feefi.getPoolDepositsFact(senderAddr, targetAddr, "MCC", "ABC", "1000");

PoolDeposits operation = gn.getOperation(fact, "");


Pool Withdraw

pool-withdraw supports withdrawing amounts from the pool.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Amount;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.feefi.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

PoolWithdrawFact fact = gn.feefi.getPoolWithdrawFact(senderAddr, targetAddr, "MCC", "ABC", new Amount[]{ amount }); // sender, pool, pool id, amounts

PoolWithdraw operation = gn.getOperation(fact, "");


NFT Operations

This part shows how to generate operations of the nft model.

Collection Register

collection-register supports the registration of collection in the contract account.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String targetAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

CollectionRegisterForm form = gn.nft.collectionRegisterForm(
    new String[] { white0Addr, white1Addr }
CollectionRegisterFact fact = gn.nft.getCollectionRegisterFact(

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Collection Policy Updater

collection-policy-updater supports updating collection policies.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String whiteAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

CollectionPolicy policy = gn.nft.collectionPolicy("Collection", 1, "https://localhost:5000", new String[] { whiteAddr });
CollectionPolicyUpdaterFact fact = gn.nft.getCollectionPolicyUpdaterFact(senderAddr, "COL", policy, "PEN");

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);



approve supports delegation of authority for specific nft ownership changes.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String approvedAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

ApproveItem item = gn.nft.getApproveItem(approvedAddr, NFTID.get("COL-00001"), "PEN");
ApproveFact fact = gn.nft.getApproveFact(senderAddr, new ApproveItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);



delegate supports delegating the authority to change ownership of all nfts held by one general account for a collection.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String agentAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

DelegateItem item = gn.nft.getDelegateItem("COL", agentAddr, DelegateItem.ALLOW,  "PEN"); // DelegateItem.ALLOW: "allow", DelegateItem.CANCEL: "cancel"
DelegateFact fact = gn.nft.getDelegateFact(senderAddr, new DelegateItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


NFT Mint

nft mint supports the registration of a new nft in the collection.


This example shows how to create an operation when both the creator and copyrighter are the same account as minting nft. Actually, any general account can be a creator and a copyrighter.

// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String signer0Addr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";
String signer1Addr = "EMkLBPd51JNBKvAJxWqYVXUVX7bN5b1nnc8h4XLWWwf1mca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

NFTSigner signer0 = gn.nft.signer(signer0Addr, 50, false);
NFTSigner signer1 = gn.nft.signer(signer1Addr, 50, false); 
NFTSigners signers = gn.nft.signers(100, new NFTSigner[]{ signer0, signer1 });

MintForm form = gn.nft.mintForm("nfthash", "https://localhost:5000", signers, signers);
MintItem item = gn.nft.getMintItem("COL", form, "PEN");

MintFact fact = gn.nft.getMintFact(senderAddr, new MintItem[]{ item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


NFT Sign

nft sign supports signing in nft as a creator or copyrighter.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

NFTSignItem item = gn.nft.getSignItem(NFTSignItem.CREATOR, NFTID.get("COL-00001"), "PEN");
NFTSignFact fact = gn.nft.getSignFact(senderAddr, new NFTSignItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


NFT Transfer

nft transfer supports the transfer of nft.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

String receiverAddr = "77UNyuDQtxkYhRMLuKgyQCpWwGZzLoZ4E7S7qZd4Jbmpmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

NFTTransferItem item = gn.nft.getTransferItem(receiverAddr, NFTID.get("COL-00001"), "PEN");
NFTTransferFact fact = gn.nft.getTransferFact(senderAddr, new NFTTransferItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


NFT Burn

nft burn supports nft burning.


// import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.Operation;
// import org.mitumc.sdk.operation.nft.*;

String senderPriv = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";
String senderAddr = "FcLfoPNCYjSMnxLPiQJQFGTV15ecHn3xY4J2HNCrqbCfmca";

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

BurnItem item = gn.nft.getBurnItem(NFTID.get("COL-00001"), "PEN");
BurnFact fact = gn.nft.getBurnFact(senderAddr, new BurnItem[] { item });

Operation operation = gn.getOperation(fact);


Generate New Seal

mitum-java-util supports you to generate a seal json file such that the seal is able to consist of several operations. Those operations can be any type mitum-java-util provides.


To generate a seal, mitum-java-util requires,

  • signing key
  • a list of pre-constructed operations not empty

Registration of signing key to the network is not necessary.


First of all, suppose that every operation is that generated by Generator. (createAccounts, keyUpdater, Transfers and etc)

import org.mitumc.sdk.Generator;
import org.mitumc.sdk.JSONParser;
... omitted
''' Create each operation [createAccounts, keyUpdater, transfers, etc] with Generator. See above sections.

Generator gn = Generator.get("mitum");

String signKey = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";

HashMap<String, Object> seal = gn.getSeal(signKey, new Operation[]{/*operations*/});
JSONParser.writeJsonFileFromHashMap(seal, "seal.json");

Then the result format of writeJsonFileFromHashMap(seal, fileName) will be like this. (Each value is up to input arguments and time)

Send Messages to Network

Use curl to broadcast your operations.

~$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @seal.json https://{mitum network address}/builder/send
  • seal.json is your seal file.

Sign Message

Sign message with keypairs.


Sign Message

Each keypair supports sign method that generates bytes format signature by signing bytes format message.

If you want to get signature for 'mitum-currency', use Base58 to encode the signature.

// Omit steps for generating keypair
String message = "mitum";
byte[] signedMessage = keypair.sign(message.getBytes());

Add Fact Signature to Operation

Use Signer.addSignToOperation(key, targetOperation) to add new fact signature to fact_signs.

After adding a fact signature, operation hash is always changed.


  • org.mitumc.sdk.Signer
HashMap<String, Object> addSignToOperation(JsonObject operation);
HashMap<String, Object> addSignToOperation(String operationPath);


import org.mitumc.sdk.Signer;
import org.mitumc.sdk.JSONParser;
String id = "mitum";
String key = "KzafpyGojcN44yme25UMGvZvKWdMuFv1SwEhsZn8iF8szUz16jskmpr";

Signer signer = Signer.get(id, key);

HashMap<String, Object> signed = signer.addSignToOperation("operation.json");
JSONParser.writeJsonFileFromHashMap(signed, "newOperation.json");

Signer class itself doesn't create json file of new operation.

Use JSONParser if you need.


About Time Stamp

Expression of Time Stamp

For blocks, seals, signatures and etc, mitum uses yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.* +0000 UTC expression and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.*Z as standard.

All other timezones are not allowed! You must use only +0000 timezone for mitum.

For example,

  1. When converting timestamp to byte format for generating block/seal/fact_sign hash

    • converting the string 2021-11-16 01:53:30.518 +0000 UTC to bytes format
  2. When putting timestamp in block, seal, fact_sign or etc

    • converting the timestamp to 2021-11-16T01:53:30.518Z and put it in json

To generate operation hash, mitum concatenates byte arrays of network id, fact hash and byte arrays of fact_signs.

And to generate the byte array of a fact_sign, mitum concatenates byte arrays of signer, signature digest and signed_at.

Be careful that the format of signed_at after converted to bytes is like yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.* +0000 UTC but it will be expressed as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.*Z when putted in json.

How many decimal places to be expressed?

There is one more thing to note.

First at all, you don't have to care about decimal points of second(ss.*) in timestamp.## Appendix

About Time Stamp

Expression of Time Stamp

For blocks, seals, signatures and etc, mitum uses yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.* +0000 UTC expression and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.*Z as standard.

All other timezones are not allowed! You must use only +0000 timezone for mitum.

For example,

  1. When converting timestamp to byte format for generating block/seal/fact_sign hash

    • converting the string 2021-11-16 01:53:30.518 +0000 UTC to bytes format
  2. When putting timestamp in block, seal, fact_sign or etc

    • converting the timestamp to 2021-11-16T01:53:30.518Z and put it in json

To generate operation hash, mitum concatenates byte arrays of network id, fact hash and byte arrays of fact_signs.

And to generate the byte array of a fact_sign, mitum concatenates byte arrays of signer, signature digest and signed_at.

Be careful that the format of signed_at after converted to bytes is like yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.* +0000 UTC but it will be expressed as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.*Z when putted in json.

How many decimal places to be expressed?

There is one more thing to note.

First at all, you don't have to care about decimal points of second(ss.*) in timestamp.

Moreover, you can write timestamp without . and any number under ..

However, you should not put any unnecessary zeros(0) in the float expression of second(ss.*) when converting timestamp to bytes format.

For example,

  1. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.518Z is converted to 2021-11-16 01:53:30.518 +0000 UTC without any change of the time itself.

  2. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.510Z must be converted to 2021-11-16 01:53:30.51 +0000 UTC when generating hash.

  3. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.000Z must be converted to 2021-11-16T01:53:30 +0000 UTC when generating hash.

Any timestamp with some unnecessary zeros putted in json doesn't affect to effectiveness of the block, seal, or operation. Just pay attention when convert the format.

However, you should not put any unnecessary zeros(0) in the float expression of second(ss.*) when converting timestamp to bytes format.

For example,

  1. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.518Z is converted to 2021-11-16 01:53:30.518 +0000 UTC without any change of the time itself.

  2. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.510Z must be converted to 2021-11-16 01:53:30.51 +0000 UTC when generating hash.

  3. 2021-11-16T01:53:30.000Z must be converted to 2021-11-16T01:53:30 +0000 UTC when generating hash.

Any timestamp with some unnecessary zeros putted in json doesn't affect to effectiveness of the block, seal, or operation. Just pay attention when convert the format.


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