Releases: ProfilesRNS/ProfilesRNS
Release Date: July 5, 2021
Profiles RNS 3.1.0 is a public release that incorporates modifications we made for the website. is an instance of Profiles RNS containing over 400,000 researchers who have published journal articles about COVID-19. In order to scale better to that number of people, Profiles RNS 3.1.0 contains caching improvements which result in significantly faster page load times compared to earlier versions.
Bug Fixes
- Keyword suggestions not popping up when adding keywords.
- Add pubmed by search, no results returned when first 100 publications are already on user’s page.
- Remove debugging code from twitter module.
- Display funding items from newest to oldest.
- Modified PubMed parsing to better parse PMCIDs, and correctly handle collective names.
- Export publications for lists including data for inactive people.
- Group manager counts not updated correctly when manager deleted.
- Geocoding being performed on inactive people.
What’s New
- Coauthor hyperlinks in publications module.
- Cache presentation xml by page type rather than by page.
- Caching publication lists.
- Single SSIS package for PubMed disambiguation, geocoding, bibliometrics and exporter disambiguation with better error handling and customizable logging.
- Import PubMed Book articles.
- Presentation XML for systems with no, or disabled login.
- Basic ORCID Module enabled by default
- Display of non-ascii characters in publications.
- Parse DOI for PubMed publications and return to application in CustomViewAuthorInAuthorship.
While the focus of Profiles RNS 2 was the addition of new features on the public website through plugins and modular gadgets, in Profiles RNS 3 we will add new functionality for users (researchers and administrators) who are logged into the website, such as reports, data downloads, and dashboards.
Bug Fixes
- Removed "Harvard Catalyst Profiles" from page header.
- Usability and display fixes for Group profiles.
- Refactor code to access BasePath and BaseURI through stored procedures.
- Improved error messages from [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.AddPubMedXML]
- Remove institutions with no members from search dropdown.
What’s New
- Person Lists. This new feature enables users to select an arbitrary set of profile pages and generate various reports, maps, and network graphs, or export data about those profiles. There are many uses cases for Person Lists, such as (a) seeing how investigators are forming teams to study a research topic, (b) creating a network graph for a grant proposal that illustrates how the investigators have previously collaborated, and (c) extracting publication lists for annual activity reports.
- New Plugin/Module Framework. Profiles RNS 3.0.0 ends our support of OpenSocial Apps. OpenSocial was introduced in Profiles RNS 2.0.0, and allowed for quick development and deployment of applications within Profiles RNS. Unfortunately OpenSocial is no longer actively developed, and therefore we chose to retire it from the software. Profiles RNS 3.0.0 introduces “Generic RDF” modules as new approach for quickly adding functionality. Generic RDF reuses a lot of the database code from the Profiles Open Social integration, to abstract out the management of RDF within profiles. This allows developers to register a module by adding a single row a database table and storing data in a relational format. The intention of Generic RDF Modules is to allow C# .NET developers who are not familiar with the Profiles RDF structure to easily and quickly develop modules. Profiles RNS 3.0.0 includes example modules that can be used as a basis for development, such as new versions of the YouTube, Twitter, and Slideshare written for Generic RDF. The Websites and Media Links gadgets have also been rewritten, but as standard RDF based Profiles modules.
36 - Disambiguation options. Users can choose to disable disambiguation for their profile. This is
important for a small number of users where the disambiguation algorithm incorrectly adds
the wrong publications or grants to their profiles. PMIDs can be excluded from xml refresh. - General API Communication Package. In Profiles RNS 3.0.0 we have added a new
ProfilesRNS_CallPRNSWebservice.dstx SSIS package. This package is designed as a
general API communication package. Able to handle all current, and future API
communication by the profiles database. This package is currently used to call the
bibliometrics API, and replaces the ProfilesGeoCode.dstx package for calling the Google
Geocoding API. In future version it will replace the PubMedDisambiguation_GetPubs.dstx,
PubMedDisambiguation_GetPubMEDXML.dstx and
ExporterDisambiguation_GetFunding.dstx packages. This new package adds optional
logging capability (including a debug setting that logs all posted data and received data)
which we hope will help institutions troubleshoot API issues. Once all API communication is
handled by a single package, we aim to add a non-SSIS based option in future versions to
enable compatibility with SQL Server Web edition. - Other backend improvements:
a. Moved fulltext index from RDF..Node to RDF..vwLiteral for improved search speed.
b. Add Integration Services Catalog version of SQL Server 2016 SSIS packages.
c. Add SQL Server 2017 SSIS packages.
Bug Fixes
- ORNG gadget metadata incorrectly being indexed and returned in search results.
- ClassPropertyCustom table was not being updated with new _ClassPropertyIDs when [Ontology.].[AddProperty] is run, leading to incorrect properties being shown in profile pages.
- Updated Geocoding SSIS package to include Google API key.
What’s New
- New look and feel. Changes include moving the left sidebar links to a top menu bar, and increasing width of the main content section.
- Enhanced publications module. Adding citation counts, journal headings, and sorting options.
- New CallPRNSWebservice SSIS package designed to allow additional PRNS webservices to be added without institutions needing to install new packages. The Bibliometrics webservice required by the enhanced publications module uses this package.
Database Changes
- [Profile.Import].[PRNSWebservice.Log], [Profile.Import].[PRNSWebservice.AddLog], [Profile.Import].[PRNSWebservice.GetPostData], [Profile.Import].[PRNSWebservice.ImportData] – New generic table and stored procedures for PRNS webservice SSIS package.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.Bibliometrics], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.JournalHeading], [Profile.Module].[CustomViewAuthorInAuthorship.GetJournalHeadings], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.GetPMIDsforBibliometrics], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.ParseBibliometricResults] – New tables and stored procedures for Enhanced publications module.
- [Profile.Module].[CustomViewAuthorInAuthorship.GetGroupList], [Profile.Module].[CustomViewAuthorInAuthorship.GetList] – Modified stored procedures for enhanced publications module.
- [Ontology.].[AddProperty] – Added code to update ClassPropertyCustom table.
- Support for SQL Server 2008
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect redirect on DIRECT page when opening local site from DIRECT results.
- Incorrect ordering in [Profile.Data].[Person.GetFacultyRanks]
- SQL server 2016 jobs missing in release zip
What’s New
- GetDataRDF efficiency improvements - Modifications to allow different ExpandRDF lists per page.
- Cache Presentation Data.
- Uniqueness constraints for tables populated by Profile.Import.LoadProfilesData. Prevents loading of invalid data.
- 2018 MeSH.
- Remove unnecessary “usings” from C# code.
- Move Direct log stored procedures from Direct.Framework to Direct. Schema
Database Changes
- [Direct.Framework].[AddLogIncoming] – Renamed to [Direct.].[AddLogIncoming]
- [Direct.Framework].[AddLogOutgoing] – Renamed to [Direct.].[AddLogOutgoing]
- [Direct.Framework].[UpdateLogOutgoing] – Renamed to [Direct.].[UpdateLogOutgoing]
- [Profile.Data].[Group.GetPhotos] – Merged into [Profile.Data].[Person.GetPhotos]
- [Profile.Data].[Organization.Department], [Profile.Data].[Organization.Division], [Profile.Data].[Organization.Institution], [Profile.Data].[Person], [Profile.Data].[Person.Affiliation], [Profile.Data].[Person.FacultyRank], [User.Account].[User] – Added unique constraints to prevent loading of invalid data.
- [Ontology.].[ClassPropertyCustom] – New table to overwrite [Ontology.].[ClassProperty] for common [RDF.].[GetDataRDF] queries.
- [Framework.].[CreateInstallData], [Framework.].[LoadInstallData], [Ontology.].[Cleanup] – Modified to add [Ontology.].[ClassPropertyCustom] to install data.
- [RDF.].[GetDataRDF] – Modified to use [Ontology.].[ClassPropertyCustom] for faster page loading.
- [Profile.Data].[Person.GetFacultyRanks] – Added sort by.
- [Profile.Data].[Concept.Mesh.ParseMeshXML] – Added truncation of [Profile.Data].[Concept.Mesh.SemanticType.XML] table to allow MeSH update.
Bug Fixes
- Profiles defaults to Internet Explorer 7 mode when running in Internet Explorer. This prevents some CSS from being rendered correctly, and visualizations from loading.
- Typo in SearchDropDown.cs
- Direct2Experts database access refactored to use parameterized stored procedure calls.
- Removed unused PresentationXML assembly from database schema.
- Fixed bug where inactive users could still edit their proxies.
- Limited timeline visualizations to 30 years to avoid graphic extending outside panel.
**What’s New **
- Group Profiles.
- Upgrade .Net version to 4.6.2.
- More resilient handling of over length fields in ParseAllPubMedXML.
- Updated Direct2Experts site list.
- Compatibility with SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017.
**Database Changes **
- [Profile.Data].[Group.Admin], [Profile.Data].[Group.General], [Profile.Data].[Group.Manager], [Profile.Data].[Group.Member], [Profile.Data].[Group.Photo], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.Include], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.MyPub.General], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.Option] – New tables for Group Profiles.
- [Profile.Data].[vwGroup.General], [Profile.Data].[vwGeneralWithDeleted], [Profile.Data].[vwGroup.Manager], [Profile.Data].[vwGroup.Member], [Profile.Data].[vwGroup.Photo], [Profile.Data].[vwGroup.Publication.Entity.AssociatedInformationResource] – New views for Group Profiles.
- [Edit.Module].[CustomEditAssociatedInformationResource.GetList], [Profile.Data].[Group.AddPhoto], [Profile.Data].[Group.AddUpdateGroup], [Profile.Data].[Group.DeleteRestoreGroup], [Profile.Data].[Group.GetGroup], [Profile.Data].[Group.GetGroups], [Profile.Data].[Group.GetPhotos],
[Profile.Data].[Group.Manager.AddManager], [Profile.Data].[Group.Manager.DeleteManager], [Profile.Data].[Group.Manager.GetManagers], [Profile.Data].[Group.Member.AddUpdateMember], [Profile.Data].[Group.Member.DeleteMember], [Profile.Data].[Group.Member.GetMembers], [Profile.Data]..[Group.Member.Search], [Profile.Data].[Group.UpdateSecurityMembership], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Entity.UpdateEntityOneGroup], [Profile.Data].[Publication.GetGroupMemberPublications], [Profile.Data].[Publication.GetGroupOption], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.DeleteAllPublications], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.DeleteOnePublication], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.MyPub.AddPublication], [Profile.Data].[Publications.Group.MyPub.CopyExistingPublication], [Profile.Data].[Publication.Group.Pubmed.AddPublication], [Profile.Data].[Publication.SetGroupOption], [Profile.Module].[CustomViewAuthorInAuthorship.GetGroupList], [Profile.Module].[NetworkAuthorshipTimeline.Group.GetData], [Profile.Module].[NetworkMap.GetGroup], [Profile.Module].[NetworkRadial.Group.GetCoAuthors] – New Procedures for Group Profiles. - [Ontology.].[UpdateDerivedFields], [ORNG.].[AddAppToPerson], [ORNG.].[RemoveAppFromPerson], [Profile.Data].[Publications.Entity.UpdateEntity], [RDF.].[GetDataRDF], [RDF.].[GetPresentationXML], [RDF.Security].[GetSessionSecurityGroupNodes] – Modified stored procedures for Group Profiles.
- [Direct.Framework].[AddLogIncoming]. [Direct.Framework].[AddLogOutgoing], [Direct.Framework].[UpdateLogOutgoing] – New stored procedures to parameterize website access to direct2Experts log tables.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.ParseAllPubMedXML] – Stored procedure modified to increase resilience to over length fields.
- [PresentationXML] – Removed unused assembly.
- [User.Session].[CreateSession], [User.Session].UpdateSession – Edited so users with inactive profiles can no longer edit their proxies.
- [Profile.Module].[NetworkAuthorshipTimeline.Concept.GetData], [Profile.Module].[NetworkAuthorship.Timeline.Person.GetData] – Limited results to 30 years.
Bug Fixes
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.Author] can grow exponentially during disambiguation runs.
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.GetPersonInfoForDisambiguation] doesn't correctly return batches of people.
- GetFunding SSIS SQL Server 2008 package doesn't load results.
- Multiple records generated in activity log for deleted profiles.
What’s New
- Updated column lengths to be compatible with 2017 PubMed xml.
- Performance improvement in Activity Log database query.
Database Changes
- [Profile.Import].[LoadProfilesData] – Modified to avoid multiple records being generated for deleted profiles.
- [Profile.Data].Publication.PubMed.Author.Stage], [Profile.Data].Publication.PubMed.Author], [Profile.Data].Publication.PubMed.General.Stage], [Profile.Data].Publication.PubMed.General], [Profile.Data].Publication.PubMed.Keyword] – Columns widths changed to be compatible with 2017 PubMed xml.
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.GetPersonInfoForDisambiguation] – Changed to correctly batch results.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.ParseAllPubMedXML] – Modified to prevent exponential growth in [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.Author].
Bug Fixes
- Missing Open Social configuration files.
- Incorrect Department and Institution lists in search proxy when all users in a department / institution are inactive.
- Non default Cache timeout values being ignored.
- Datamap not correctly ordered during install process.
- Unnecessary nodes created when grants are added.
- Removed unused NetworkDetails module.
- RDF for funding objects missing some properties.
- Delete all publications doesn’t immediately update RDF.
What’s New
- Funding disambiguation.
- Live updates.
- Batch Processing of PubMed XML.
- Removed redundant database calls when multiple publications are added at the same time.
- Updated CustomEditAuthorInAuthorship module to use https PubMed eutils API.
- Updated XML parsing to handle new date format in PubMed data.
Database Changes
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.DisambiguationAudit], [Profile.Data].Funding.DisambiguationOrganizationMapping], [Profile.Data].[Funding.DisambiguationResults] – New tables for funding disambiguation.
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.AddDisambiguationLog], [Profile.Data].[Funding.GetPersonInfoForDisambiguation], [Profile.Data].[LoadDisambiguationResults], [Profile.Data].[ParseDisambiguationXML] – New stored procedures for funding disambiguation.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.Author.Stage], [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.General.Stage], [Profile.Data].[PubMed.Mesh.Stage] – New tables for batch processing PubMed XML.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.AddPubMedXML] – Modified to allow for batch processing PubMed XML.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.ParseAllPubMedXML] – New stored procedure for batch processing PubMed XML.
Bug Fixes
- Edits to publication dates in custom publications not saved.
- List of ORNG gadgets included in person summary RDF.
- Harvard specific code remains in various places in the database and .Net code.
- Import validation procedure incorrectly flagging short addresses.
- ID repeated for two text boxes in EditDataTypeProperty.ascx.
What’s New
- A new Research Activities and Funding module. Users can search for and add NIH grants or manually enter funding information. Institutions can pre-populate the site with funding information from local administrative systems if they have it.
- A new Freetext Keywords module. This enables users to enter custom interests or areas of expertise that are not reflected in the automatically-generated Concepts list.
- A new Education and Training module. Users can list the schools they attended and degrees they earned.
- The MeSH file included with the Profiles RNS software distribution is updated to 2016 MeSH. The semantic mappings are now included as a separate install file.
- Google Analytics Javascript added by default to the Template.Master file, with the Google key added as a variable to web.config.
- Set validate request protection to true by default to prevent cross site scripting vulnerability in edit pages.
- Updated the import validation procedure to check that the same internalusername is not used in both the [Profile.Import].[User] and [Profile.Import].[Person] tables.
- Updated the PRNS owl file with ontology classes and properties used by the Research Activities and Funding and Education and Training modules.
- Updated shindigorng war file.
Database Changes
- [Profile.Data].[Concept.Mesh.ParseMeshXML] – Modified to handle 2016 MESH file format and the new Semantic types xml file.
- [Profile.Data].[Publication.Entity.UpdateEntity] –Modified to fix custom publication date bug.
- [Search.Cache].[Private.GetNodes] – Modified to remove Harvard specific code.
- [Ontology.].[UpdateDerivedFields] – Modified to overwrite the default label for the Research Activities and Funding module.
- [Profile.Data].[Concept.Mesh.SemanticType.XML] – New table to store semantic type xml data.
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.Add], [Profile.Data].[Funding.Agreement], [Profile.Data].[Funding.Delete], [Profile.Data].[Funding.Role] – New tables for Research Activities and Funding module.
- [Profile.Data].[Funding.AddUpdateFunding], [Profile.Data].[Funding.DeleteFunding], [Profile.Data].Funding.Entity.UpdateEntityOnePerson] – New stored procedures for Research Activities and Funding module.
- [Edit.Module].[Custom.EditEducationalTraining.StoreItem] – New stored procedure for Education and Training module.
- [Profile.Import].[ValidateProfilesImportTables] – Fixed existing and added missing tests.
Bug Fixes
- Profiles with many publications loading slowly due to GetDataRDF being called 3 times.
- Null SQL parameters and DateTime parsing issues in Framework Utilities DataIO.cs.
- Active Directory and Shibboleth Authentication switching UserID and PersonID.
- Publication page: View in: visible with no link for custom publications.
- DirectService.ascx, Result text can create SQL error if it is too long.
- Unclosed database reader in MyNetwork.ascx.cs
- Content-type charset is duplicated in sitemap header.
- CSS Modernization.
What’s New
- Flash visualizations upgraded to HTML5
- Altmetric Badges added to publication lists.
- Logging option added to RDF..GetDataRDF.
Database Changes
- [Profile.Module].[NetworkRadial.GetCoauthors] – Added JSON output.
- [RDF.].[GetDataRDF.DebugLog] – New log table.
- [RDF.].[GetDataRDF.DebugLog.ExpandRDFListTable] – New log table.
- [RDF.].[GetDataRDF] – Added logging option.
Bug Fixes
- Faculty type dropdown missing last value.
- Caption on concept page timeline references Harvard Catalyst Profiles.
- PMCIDs sometimes missing when both a PMCID and a NIHMSID are provided.
- Remove duplicate indexes.
- Unclosed div, and unnecessary table in EditPropertyList.ascx
- Remove references to Boston University from About page ORCID tab.
- Bug in User.Session.Create session that returns incorrect sessionID values and overwrites data in other nodes.
- Bad counts on direct Incoming preview and incoming details page.
- Misformed closing tag in direct.xml.
- Name missing in text describing radial graph.
- Use consistent case for table column headings on details pages.
What’s New
- Update Profiles to use ORCID API Version 1.2
- Improved layout of accessible tables for radial and cluster visualizations.
- Add web.config option to hide Other Options drop down from search page.
- Add Active Directory and Shibboleth authentication support.
- Activity Log captured in new database tables.
- SQL Server 2014 Support.
- 2015 MESH
- PubMed and PubMed Central links moved to a single line.