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ianmseddy committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent baaf5fc commit 0427543
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Showing 3 changed files with 106 additions and 61 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Type: Package
Title: Utilities for Working With the 'fireSense' Group of 'SpaDES' Modules
Description: Utilities for working with the 'fireSense' group of 'SpaDES' modules.
Date: 2025-01-17
Authors@R: c(
person("Jean", "Marchal", email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut")),
Expand Down
157 changes: 101 additions & 56 deletions R/fuelClassPrep.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ utils::globalVariables(c(
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table
fuelClassPrep <- function(pixelGroupMap, cohortData, rstLCC, nonflammableLCC, fires, yearRange) {
fuelClassPrep <- function(pixelGroupMap, cohortData, rstLCC,
nonflammableLCC, fires, nonforestLCC, yearRange) {
## Filter fires by year range
firesSubset <- fires[fires$YEAR >= yearRange[1] & fires$YEAR <= yearRange[2], ] |>
rasterize(pixelGroupMap, field = "YEAR", fun = "min") |>
Expand All @@ -51,21 +52,24 @@ fuelClassPrep <- function(pixelGroupMap, cohortData, rstLCC, nonflammableLCC, fi
## Merge fires data with landscape data
landscapeData <- firesSubset[landscapeData, on = c("cell" = "pixelIndex")]
landscapeData[, burned := ifelse(, 0, 1)]
landscapeData[, speciesCode := paste0("LCC", lcc)]

#lcc must supersede
landscapeData[lcc %in% unlist(nonforestLCC), speciesCode := NA]
landscapeData[, year := yearRange[1]]


#' wrapper on GLM
#' wrapper on GLM that creates separate GLMs for each item in fuel
#' @param species tree species in landscape$speciesCode
#' @param fuel vector of tree species or lcc in landscape by which to subset
#' @param landscape created by `fuelClassPrep`
#' @importFrom stats glm binomial
makeGLM <- function(species, landscape) {
landscape <- landscape[speciesCode == species,]
out <- glm(data = landscape, formula = burned ~ B_MgHa, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
makeGLM <- function(fuel, landscape, form) {

landscape <- landscape[speciesCode == fuel,]
out <- glm(data = landscape, formula = as.formula(form), family = binomial(link = "logit"))

#' Semi-automated selection of fuel classed based on GLMs
Expand All @@ -75,50 +79,85 @@ makeGLM <- function(species, landscape) {
#' @param rstLCC a landcover map
#' @template sppEquiv
#' @template sppEquivCol
#' @param targetNonForestClasses the number of non-forest fuel classes to generate
#' @param targetFuelClasses target number of fuel classes to generate
#' @param yearRange the range of years represented by this landscape
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @importFrom stats coefficients binomial glm
#' @importFrom stats coefficients binomial glm kmeans
#' @export
#' @return a data.table with assigned fuel classes for each species
#' @return a list of three objects:
#' 1. modSppEquiv, a data.table with assigned fuel classes for each tree species
#' 2. nonForestedLCCGroups, a named list of non-forest landcovers grouped by fuel class
#' 3. missingLCCgroup, the class in nonForestLCCGroups to assign forested pixels missing from cohortData

assessFuelClasses <- function(landscape, fuelCol, sppEquiv,
sppEquivCol, targetFuelClasses) {
assessFuelClasses <- function(landscape, fuelCol, sppEquiv, sppEquivCol,
targetNonForestClasses = 2,
targetFuelClasses = 5, nonforestLCC, pValue = 0.001) {

landscape$B_MgHa <- landscape$B/100
####sort non-forest classes###
nfData <- landscape[]
#this will assume there is always missing landcover
#TODO: review this assumption when everything is NTEMS-ified. Does it matter?
nfData[!lcc %in% nonforestLCC, .N, .(lcc)]
nfData[, lcc := as.character(lcc)]
nfData[!lcc %in% nonforestLCC, lcc := "missingForest"]
nfData[, lcc := as.factor(lcc)]
#do it this way in case some lcc is not present

#the makeGLM function will subset by values in species column, so copy lcc over
nf_glms <- glm(data = nfData, formula = burned ~ 0 + lcc)
nfData[, .N, .(lcc)]

actualSpecies <- unique(landscape[!,]$speciesCode)
fuelGLMs <- lapply(actualSpecies, makeGLM, landscape = landscape)
names(fuelGLMs) <- actualSpecies
coeffs <- sapply(fuelGLMs, coefficients)
pvalues <- sapply(fuelGLMs, FUN = function(x){summary(x)$coefficients[2,4]})
speciesStats <- data.table(species = names(fuelGLMs), coef = coeffs[2,], pvalue = pvalues)
#for ease later, keep these as character
origNames <- as.character(levels(nfData$lcc))
coefsToSort <- coefficients(nf_glms)
names(coefsToSort) <- origNames
nf_classes <- kmeans(x = coefsToSort, centers = targetNonForestClasses)
nf_classes <- nf_classes$cluster

#remove missing forest as it must be different
missingForest <- nf_classes["missingForest"]

#diagnostic plots
Bmeans <- landscape[speciesCode %in% actualSpecies, .(meanB = as.integer(mean(B_MgHa)),
maxB = as.integer(max(B_MgHa))),
Bmeans <- melt(Bmeans, id.vars = "speciesCode", = "B_MgHa")
preds <- lapply(actualSpecies, function(spec, GLM = fuelGLMs,
toJoin = Bmeans) {

GLM <- GLM[[spec]]
df <- data.table(B_MgHa = seq(0, max(toJoin$B_MgHa), 2),
speciesCode = spec)
#make sure mean and max are in pred frame, for plotting
toJoin <- toJoin[speciesCode %in% spec, .(B_MgHa, speciesCode)]
df <- rbind(toJoin, df, fill = TRUE)
df[, burnprob := predict(GLM, newdata = df)]
nf_classes <- nf_classes[!names(nf_classes) %in% "missingForest"]
missingForestFriends <- names(nf_classes)[nf_classes == missingForest]
#there must be another way to do this?....
nf_groups <- lapply(unique(nf_classes), FUN = function(class) {
names(nf_classes)[nf_classes == class]
preds <- rbindlist(preds)
predsOfNote <- preds[Bmeans, on = c("speciesCode", "B_MgHa")]
#TODO: decide whether this is helpful
# ggplot(preds, aes(x = B_MgHa, y = burnprob, col = speciesCode)) +
# geom_line() +
# labs(x = "B (Mg/ha)", y = "burn pred") +
# geom_point(data = predsOfNote, aes(x = B_MgHa, y = burnprob, shape = variable))
nf_vals <- lapply(nf_groups, as.numeric) #coerce back to lcc classes
nf_groups <- sapply(nf_groups, paste, collapse = "_") |>
lapply(FUN = function(x){ paste0("nfLCC_", x)})
names(nf_vals) <- nf_groups

#sort missingForest - it either gets grouped with others, or is alone
if (length(missingForestFriends) > 0) {
whichName <- sapply(nf_vals, function(x){
all(x %in% as.numeric(missingForestFriends))})
missingForest <- names(nf_vals)[whichName]
} else {
#missingForest is in a class all of its own
#TODO: should this be allowed? it seems it will frequently occur
# but only because burned pixels are more likely to be absent from landR
# due to the fact they have no biomass
missingForest <- "missingForest"
nf_vals["missingForest"] <- -1 #new class that is not possible in a sane LCC
#this should in theory be possible

#####sort the forested fuel classes (i.e. tree species)####
landscape$B_MgHa <- landscape$B/100
treeSpecies <- unique(landscape[!]$speciesCode)
#in the event forested wetland should remain non-forest,
#this allows forested wetland biomass without it counting towards flammability
landscape <- landscape[!lcc %in% nonforestLCC & !]

fuelGLMs <- lapply(treeSpecies, makeGLM, landscape = landscape, form = "burned ~ B_MgHa")
names(fuelGLMs) <- treeSpecies
coeffs <- sapply(fuelGLMs, coefficients)
pvalues <- sapply(fuelGLMs, FUN = function(x){summary(x)$coefficients[2,4]})
speciesStats <- data.table(species = names(fuelGLMs), coef = coeffs[2,], pvalue = pvalues)

####TODO: figure out what to do next - probably plot these predictions by biomass.
forest <- landscape[!,]
Expand All @@ -130,24 +169,17 @@ assessFuelClasses <- function(landscape, fuelCol, sppEquiv,
forestPix <- nrow(forest[, .N, .(cell, year)]) #this is the only way because cells change between years
selectCols <- c("speciesCode", fuelCol)
above10PctRelB <- forest[propB > 0.1, .(above10PctRelB = .N/forestPix), by = c("speciesCode", fuelCol)]
speciesStats[, sig := pvalue < 0.001]
speciesStats[, sig := pvalue < pValue]
speciesStats[, sign := ifelse(coef > 0, "positive", "negative")]
speciesStats[sig == FALSE, sign := "neutral"]
speciesStats <- speciesStats[, .(species, coef, pvalue, sign)][above10PctRelB, on = c("species" = "speciesCode")]
# 1. start by identifying species that have <5% of pixels with >10% biomass for merging
# 2. Only species that are named in same FBPS class can be merged (we need to look at that now)... e.g., Pinu_con and Pinu_ban
# 3. Ensure these are fitting within "negatives", "positives", and "neutrals"
# So, totally unrelated ones can't be merged, but otherwise allows merging of e.g. pines
# These would only be merged if they fulfill Criterion 1 above. Otherwise merged.
# if there is a small amount of some species left over after all merging, then put it in one of:
# "other positive", "other negative",
# If the species is allowed to be merged based on the Potential Fuel Class column,
# Revisit this classification if there are >5 classes, starting with higher thresholds for "Criterion 1"

# Function to assign NewFuelClass

out <- combine_fuel_classes(df = speciesStats, targetFuelClasses = targetFuelClasses)

modSppEquiv <- combine_fuel_classes(df = speciesStats, targetFuelClasses = targetFuelClasses)

return(list(modSppEquiv = modSppEquiv,
nonForestedLCCGroups = nf_vals,
missingLCCgroup = missingForest))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,5 +239,18 @@ combine_fuel_classes <- function(df, targetFuelClasses = 5) {
} else {
df[, assignedFuelClass := species]

#fix the names in the event the original fuel classes aren't accurate
#(e.g. SprcFrLrch may not contain Fir and/or Larch)
if (any(df$species != df$assignedFuelClass)) {
needsNewNames <- df[assignedFuelClass != species, .(assignedFuelClass, species)]
needsNewNames[, newName := abbreviate(species)]
needsNewNames[, newName := paste(newName, collapse = "."), .(assignedFuelClass)]
needsNewNames <- needsNewNames[, .(species, newName)]
df <- needsNewNames[df, on = c("species")]
df[!, assignedFuelClass := newName]
df[, newName := NULL]

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions man/makeGLM.Rd

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