git add . && git commit -m "message"
git push
npm run build
Then go to folder build/site/ Drage the index.html file to the browser to view the result.
*For any changes made within this repo, you must git push first and then run npm run build to see the changes.
cd modules/ROOT/pages
Then go back to the modules/ROOT/ folder, find
Follow the structure:
xref: path/to/page[Title of the Page]
xref: path/to/page[CustomName]
- Add anchor to the page you want link to with
- Add reference using
xref: path/to/page#SectionB[SectionB]
- Make sure you have installed asciidoctor
brew install asciidoctor
- Generate a Gem file using following command
bundle init
- Open the Gemfile, and then copy paste the following code
source ""
gem 'asciidoctor-diagram'
gem "asciidoctor-mermaid"
- Then execute bundle in terminal by typing the following command
Create a new adoc specifically for diagrams in a folder, e.g. the diagram.adoc in zkGroup folder
Put your Mermaid diagram in following syntax
[mermaid, target="circuit", format=png]
/* Mermaid Diagram Syntax*/
Where target means the target name, format means the output file type
- Then run the following command
asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -D Poseidon-ZK-Contracts/modules/ROOT/images Poseidon-ZK-Contracts/modules/ROOT/pages/zk-primitives/zk-group/diagram.adoc
Please change the last path "Poseidon-ZK-Contracts/modules/ROOT/pages/zk-primitives/zk-group/diagram.adoc" to the path of you desired diagram.adoc.
Everytime you add new thing to the diagram, the change will apply to the same file name. So you just need to run the following command again to apply latest updates.
asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -D Poseidon-ZK-Contracts/modules/ROOT/images path/to/your/diagram.adoc
- Finally put the following image link to the adoc where you want to display the image, for example, if you go to circuit.adoc, you can see the following line:
You don't need to specify any path to the image since all images are default to be sit inside the images folder at ROOT folder. So the name here would just simply be circuit.png.
Note After changing the mermaid labeling, the github will no longer show the diagram correctly, please checkout the vercel deployment or your local build for latest update. Vercel deployment address is at the top of the ReadMe.
For more information, please check out this official link