Project was written for Bachelor Final Exam Project.
This web app is for people who would like to track health themselves. When user create an account has few features divided into some views. User can add some personal information about him/her. Furthermore user also can add emergency contacts in case of accidents. Moreover this app has features such as:
- add or import research documents,
- add or import prescriptions
- add or import refferals
- create medical interview and add to calendar.
User has opportuinity to add history of treatment and add list of medicaments which he/she have taken (list based on list avaliable on polish medical department's page). Additionaly user can add visit and describe date, place and also add one of doctor from list (this prototype has list of doctor from Opolskie Voivodeship).
App uses external plugin for calendar: - calendar.
open terminal and install dependencies:
npm install
Then run dev server:
npm run dev
Technologies which have used:
- Vue.js,
- JavaScript,
- Firebase (Firestore and Authentication),
- Eslint, Stylelint, Prettier (with lint-staged and husky),
- V-Calendar,