MusicPicker is a nodejs application that allow's the user to give controlled access of the media player to the LAN users
Install dependencies
npm install
Edit DefaultAppConfig.json in order to setup your configuration
"platform": "spotify/youtube-music",
"adminPassword": "<mycoolpassword>",
"minutes_between_queue_adds": 1,
"genres": ["alternative", "samba"],
"votes": {
"Skip": "SKIP",
"VolumeUp": "VOLUMEUP",
"VolumeDown": "VOLUMEDOWN"
Add .env file
note: You will have to setup spotify/youtube-music application prior to adding .env file
client_id = "<client_id>"
client_secret = <client_secret>
redirect_route = "/example/route"
APP_HOST = "<localhost:3000>"
appname = "<dev-test>"
development? = "<any text>"
client_id and client_secret is the music provider credentials (spotify/youtube music)
Then start the application as developer
npm run dev
At the first start you will have to visit localhost:PORT/auth/login in order to authorize the application to control the player.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.