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Customer Service

Service for handling all customer related operations

Required External Services

  • Authentication-Authorization Service

Depends on

  • MongoDB instance


Functionality REST Endpoint Parameters Body Response
Get Customer Information GET /user/customer email - String JSON string
Add Customer POST /user/customer JSON string JSON string
Edit Customer PUT /user/customer JSON string JSON string
Disable Customer DELETE /user/customer JSON string JSON string
Enable Customer PATCH /user/customer JSON string JSON string


Edit the properties of application.yml file

# Eureka properties
    fetch-registry: true
    register-with-eureka: true
      defaultZone: address of the eureka server (Eg: http://localhost:8761/eureka)
    hostname: specify the hostname of service here (Eg: localhost)

# Server properties
  port: port in which the customer service is to run (Eg: 8091)

# Application properties
    name: name of the application (Eg: CUSTOMER-SERVICE)
# MongoDB properties
      database: mongoDB database name (Eg: testWorkingDB)
      host: name of mongoDB host (Eg: localhost)
      port: port in which mongoDB is being run (Eg: 27017)

Local Deployment

Service Registry should be started for successful execution of all queries.

In application.yml file, change the properties

Property Value Example
eureka_hostname hostname of eureka server service-registry
service_hostname hostname of service (try to use the same as in docker-compose) customer-service
mongodb_hostname hostname of mongodb customer-db
mongodb_database_name database name customerDB

Using Docker

Create docker bridge network: docker network create -d bridge pigihi-network

docker-compose can be used to run the application and the corresponding mongodb instance

  1. Go to project folder
  2. Open terminal and run docker-compose up
  3. The application can be accessed at localhost:8091 (port 8091 is set in docker-compose)
  4. MongoDB port is set to 27016

To run only the application

  1. Go to project folder
  2. Open terminal and run docker build .
  3. Run docker run -p 8091:8091 docker_image_name
  4. The application can be accessed at localhost:8091

Using Gradle

MongoDB should be run seperately and the configurations should be updated in application.yml

  1. Go to project folder
  2. Open terminal and run ./gradlew build
  3. Run ./gradlew bootRun