Project realization for Digital Electronic Design with VHDL (1FA326) in Uppsala University.
- Control Unit (CU)
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Program Counter (PC)
- Address Register
- Loop Counter
All operations are performed in two clock cycles:
FETCH: The microprocessor loads an instruction from the memory location pointed by the Program Counter (PC). The instruction is stored in the Instruction Register (INSTR_REG), and then decoded by the Instruction Decoder.
EXECUTE: The Control Unit (CU) submits command execution to submodules with control signals.
The instruction set supports the following operations:
- Memory-related operations (loading and storing of internal registers)
- Jump operations and address modifications
- Arithmetic and logic operations
Instruction | Description | Operation |
LD_ADDR1 | Loads address register 1 | ADR1 <= MEM(PC+1) |
LD_ADDR2 | Loads address register 2 | ADR2 <= MEM(PC+1) |
LD_ACC | Loads accumulator | ACC <= MEM(ADR1) |
LD_TEMP | Loads temporary register | TEMP <= MEM(ADR2) |
LD_JUMPREG | Loads JUMP-register | JUMP_REG <= MEM(PC + 1) |
ST_ACC1 | Store accumulator | MEM(ADR1) <= ACC |
ST_ACC2 | Store accumulator | MEM(ADR2) <= ACC |
JPF | Unconditional jump forward | PC <= PC + JUMP_REG |
JPB | Unconditional jump back | PC <= PC - JUMP_REG |
JPF_G | Conditional jump forward if GT | PC <= PC + JUMP_REG if GT |
JPF_Z | Conditional jump forward if Z | PC <= PC + JUMP_REG if Z |
CMP | Compare | (GT, Z) <= ACC - TEMP |
ADD | Addition | ACC <= ACC + TEMP |
SUB | Subtraction | ACC <= ACC - TEMP |
Single byte instruction
OP code | function | mnemonic |
0000 | 0001 | CMP |
0000 | 0010 | ADD |
0000 | 0011 | SUB |
0001 | 0000 | JPF |
0001 | 0001 | JPB |
0001 | 0010 | JPF_G |
0001 | 0011 | JPF_Z |
1000 | 0001 | ST_ACC1 |
1000 | 0010 | ST_ACC1 |
1010 | 0000 | LD_ACC |
1010 | 0001 | LD_TEMP |
Two bytes instruction
OP code | function | address | mnemonic |
1010 | 1000 | xxxxxxxx | LD_JUMPREG |
1010 | 1001 | xxxxxxxx | LD_ADDR1 |
1010 | 1010 | xxxxxxxx | LD_ADDR2 |
How it would be "compiled"
LD_ADD_OP; load the address of B
x"F0"; chosen address
LD_ADDR2_OP; load the address of C
LD_ACC_OP; move B to ACC
LD_TEMP_OP; move C to TEMP
LD_ADDR1_OP; load the address of A
ADD_OP; add B and C
ST_ACC1_OP; store the result in A
LD_ADDR1_OP; load the address of A (0x00)
x"F0"; address of A (0x01)
LD_ADDR2_OP; load the address of 0 variable (0x02)
x"F1"; address of 0 variable (0x03)
x"0E"; address of B = C (0x05)
LD_ACC_OP; move A to ACC (0x06)
LD_TEMP_OP; move 0 to TEMP (0x07)
CMP_OP; compare A and 0 (0x08)
JPF_G_OP; if A > 0 then jump to (0x09)
JPF_Z_OP; if A == 0 then jump to (0x0A)
; -- else operations
x"14"; else jump to 0x14 (0x0C)
JPF_OP; jump to 0x14 (0x0D)
; -- if operations (here we load B and C)
LD_ADDR1_OP; load the address of C (0x0E)
x"F3"; address of C (0x0F)
LD_ADDR2_OP; load the address of B (0x10)
x"F2"; address of B (0x11)
LD_ACC_OP; move C to ACC (0x12)
ST_ACC2_OP; store C in B (0x13)
Signal | Meaning | Units involved |
FETCH | Fetch signal | Control bus -> CU (INSTR_REG) |
STAT_UPD | Status update | Control bus -> CU(STATUS) |
ACC_OE | Accumulator output enable | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(ACC_BUF) |
ACC_INC | Accumulator increment | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(ACC) |
ACC_LD | Accumulator load | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(ACC) |
CMP | Compare operation | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(ALU) |
SUB | Subtraction operation | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(ALU) |
TEMP_LD | Temporary register load | CU -> Control bus -> Accumulator(TMP_REG) |
PC_OE | Program counter output enable | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(PC_BUF) |
PC_INC | Program counter increment | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(PC) |
PC_LD | Program counter load | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(PC) |
JPF | Jump forward | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(ALU) |
JPB | Jump backward | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(ALU) |
JUMP_LD | Jump load address | CU -> Control bus -> ProgramCounter(JUMP_REG) |
ADDR1_OE | Address 1 output enable | CU -> Control bus -> Register1(ADDR1_BUF) |
ADDR1_INC | Address 1 increment | CU -> Control bus -> Register1(ADDR1) |
ADDR1_LD | Address 1 load | CU -> Control bus -> Register1(ADDR1) |
ADDR2_OE | Address 2 output enable | CU -> Control bus -> Register2(ADDR2_BUF) |
ADDR2_INC | Address 2 increment | CU -> Control bus -> Register2(ADDR2) |
ADDR2_LD | Address 2 load | CU -> Control bus -> Register2(ADDR2) |
Videos of the execution on the DE1-SoC FPGA board.