Play at
Welcome to Pete-tionary, a combination of image synthesis and telephone pictionary.
This is a fun game played in groups which proceeds as follows:
Each player writes down a prompt.
Each player selects the image that best matches their prompt.
Each player passes their image on and receives a new image from another player.
Each player must then try to write a prompt that generates a similar image. The game continues in this fashion until each player has seen each initial image once.
Once the game ends, you can scroll through the stories you have made.
IMPORTANT! If the website breaks while you are playing, perform a hard reset by deleting the local storage.
Thanks to Jens Goldberg for creating the Direct Visions notebook.
Special mention to Phil Wang for creating the Deep Daze repository, and to Ryan Murdock for the discovery of the technique itself.
A huge of amount of gratitude to those who have given their time to test the game at various points.
- Connect Redux state with Amplify
- Make the S3 URL checks a graphQL subscription (instead of pinging from Lambda)
- Add the current queue size to the waiting screen
- Run the server from inside Google Colab to save money
Install AWS CDK and the AWS CLI
Make a private ECR repository
Follow the commands in the ECR repository to upload the Docker image
Set the global variables in
Deploy the CloudFormation stack (run this command in
)cdk deploy --outputs-file "../frontend/src/constants/cdk.json"
Build the website (run this command in
)npm run build
Deploy the CloudFormation stack again (See step 4)
Start the server
If you have any questions, queries or concerns I would love to hear from you.
Please email me at [email protected].