Sailing club implementation.
This is a TMA project for the module Object-oriented Java programming (M250 21J).
Author: Sebastian Gomez Date: 17/04/2022
A sailing club operates dinghy races for club-owned boats and boats owned by its members or visitors. Dinghies have a boat name, a class name and a sail number. Club boats must be sailed by a club member, identified by their member ID. Other boats (known as 'own boats') can be sailed by members or visitors. A race organiser keeps a list of the dinghies racing.
To start this project: 1- Create a new RaceOrganiser object. 2- Create new ClubBoat or OwnBoat objects. 3- Use the created RaceOrganiser object to add, clear, get racers size and print raisers. a- Using its addRacer method to add the boats created to the racing. b- Using its clear method to clear the list of the dinghies racing. c- Using its getRacersSize to get the size of the racing. d- Using its printRacers to display a table containing details of the dinghies in the race.