1.Finish integration with either Auth Service or Connect Service
2.Add aa service to your build.gradle.
dependencies {
// Particle AA Service
//find the latest version of the sdk:
- All testnets have Particle Verifying Paymaster enabled, you can send any gasless transaction;
- If you want to use Particle Verifying Paymaster on Mainnet, you can deposit and use it directly without extra configration in SDK, check docs;
- If you want to use Biconomy Paymaster, please go to https://dashboard.biconomy.io/, create Paymaster & get dappApiKey;
- Token Paymaster is automatically enabled (we are using Biconomy Token Paymaster).
val apiKey = mapOf(
Ethereum.id to "YOUR_DAPP_API_KEY",
EthereumGoerli.id to "YOUR_DAPP_API_KEY",
Polygon.id to "YOUR_DAPP_API_KEY"
// apiKey can be empty
// aaService can be BiconomyV1AAService、BiconomyV2AAService、CyberConnectAAService、 SimpleAAService. It can be null, default BiconomyV2AAService.
ParticleNetwork.initAAMode(apiKey, aaService = BiconomyAAService)
After enable AA service, The address displayed on the wallet page will display the SmartAccount address. and the signAndSendTransaction method will change the way transactions are sent.
After disable AA service, smart account will not work.
val isEnable = ParticleNetwork.getAAService().isAAModeEnable()
Send one transaction with ParticleAuthService
// 1. gasless
// you can call the same method to send a transaction in AA mode.
// send gasless transaction
ParticleNetwork.signAndSendTransaction(tranaction, callback ,FeeModeGasless())
// 2. auto(default)
// send user paid transaction, select native to pay gas fee.
ParticleNetwork.signAndSendTransaction(tranaction, callback , FeeModeAuto())
// 3.custom
// send user paid transaction, select token to pay gas fee.
// get a feeQuote from rpcGetFeeQuotes method
val feeQuote: Erc4337FeeQuote //get Erc4337FeeQuote by ParticleNetwork.getAAService().rpcGetFeeQuotes()
ParticleNetwork.signAndSendTransaction(tranaction, callback , FeeModeCustom(feeQuote))
Send one transaction with ParticleConnectService
There are three way to send AA transaction
// 1. gasless
// you can call the same method to send a transaction in AA mode.
// send gasless transaction
connectAdapter.signAndSendTransaction(publicAddress = publicAddress, transaction = tranaction, FeeModeGasless(), callback)
// 2. auto(default)
// send user paid transaction, select native to pay gas fee.
connectAdapter.signAndSendTransaction(publicAddress = publicAddress, transaction = tranaction, FeeModeAuto(), callback)
// 3.custom
// send user paid transaction, select token to pay gas fee.
// get a feeQuote from rpcGetFeeQuotes method
val feeQuote: Erc4337FeeQuote //get Erc4337FeeQuote by ParticleNetwork.getAAService().rpcGetFeeQuotes()
connectAdapter.signAndSendTransaction(publicAddress = publicAddress, transaction = tranaction, FeeModeCustom(feeQuote), callback)
you need create a AAService instance, then call quickSendTransactions mehod
ParticleNetwork.getAAService().quickSendTransaction(transactions, feeMode, messageSigner, callback)
There are other methods, and all Account Abstraction methods are defined in AAServiceProtocol.
interface IAAService {
* Rpc method, get smart account
* @param addresses: Eoa address List
* @return Smart SmartAccountInfo List
suspend fun rpcGetSmartAccount(addresses: List<String>): RpcOutput<List<SmartAccountInfo>>
* Rpc method, get fee quotes
* @param eoaAddress: Eoa address
* @param transactions: Transaction List
* @return RpcOutput<ArrayList<Erc4337FeeQuote>>
suspend fun rpcGetFeeQuotes(
eoaAddress: String, transactions: List<PrefixedHexString>
): RpcOutput<ArrayList<Erc4337FeeQuote>>
* Rpc method, create user paid transaction
* @param eoaAddress: Eoa address
* @param transactions: Transaction List
* @param erc4337FeeQuote: Fee quote, you can get this feeQuote from rpcGetFeeQuotes method.
* @return ResponseBody, parse it by JSONObject.
suspend fun rpcCreateUserPaidTransaction(
eoaAddress: String, transactions: List<PrefixedHexString>, erc4337FeeQuote: Erc4337FeeQuote
): ResponseBody
* Rpc method, send user paid transaction
* @param eoaAddress: Eoa address
* @param walletTransaction: WalletTransaction
* @param signature: Signature
* @return RpcOutput<String>
suspend fun rpcSendUserPaidTransaction(
eoaAddress: String, walletTransaction: WalletTransaction, signature: String
): RpcOutput<String>
* Rpc method, send Gasless transaction
* @param eoaAddress: Eoa address
* @param userOp: WalletUserOp
* @param signature: Signature
* @return RpcOutput<String>
suspend fun rpcSendGaslessTransaction(
eoaAddress: String, userOp: WalletUserOp, signature: String
): RpcOutput<String>
* Rpc method, create Gasless transaction
* @param eoaAddress: Eoa address
* @param transaction: transaction
* @param signature: Signature
* @return RpcOutput<GaslessTransaction>
suspend fun rpcCreateGaslessTransaction(
eoaAddress: String, transactions: List<PrefixedHexString>
): RpcOutput<GaslessTransaction>
suspend fun isDeploy(eoaAddress: String): Boolean
suspend fun deployWalletContract(messageSigner: MessageSigner, feeMode: FeeMode)
fun isAAModeEnable(): Boolean
fun enableAAMode()
fun disableAAMode()
suspend fun getSmartAccount(eosAddress: String): SmartAccountInfo?
fun getSmartAccountSync(eosAddress: String): SmartAccountInfo?
fun getSmartAddress(eosAddress: String): String?
suspend fun getSmartAccounts(eosAddresses: List<String>): List<SmartAccountInfo>
fun isSupportChainInfo(chainInfo: ChainInfo): Boolean
fun getSupportChainInfos(): List<ChainInfo>
suspend fun quickSendTransaction(
transactions: String, feeMode: FeeMode, messageSigner: MessageSigner, sendCallback: WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>
suspend fun quickSendTransaction(
transactions: List<String>, feeMode: FeeMode, messageSigner: MessageSigner, sendCallback: WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>