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Add Auth Service to Your Android Project


Make sure that your project meets the following requirements:

  • minSdkVersion 23 or higher;compileSdkVersion、targetSdkVersion 33 or higher
  • Uses JavaVersion 11
  • Uses Jetpack (AndroidX)

Create a Particle Project and App

Before you can add Auth Service to your Android app, you need to create a Particle project to connect to your Android app. Visit Particle Dashboard to learn more about Particle projects and apps.

👉 Sign up/log in and create your project now

Add the Auth Service SDK to Your App

Declare them in your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually app/build.gradle).

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

repositories {
    maven { setUrl("") }
dependencies {
    // Particle Auth Service
    //find the latest version of the sdk:

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Groovy" %}

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    // Particle Auth Service
    implementation 'network.particle:auth-service${latest_version}'

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} If you want to receive release updates, subscribe to our GitHub repository. {% endhint %}

Add Configuration File

Declare them in you app AndroidManifest.xml (usually app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml).

        <!--   Particle Network config start     -->
                <data android:scheme="pn${pn_app_id}" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <!--   Particle Network config end     -->

{% hint style="info" %} Replace pn_project_id, pn_project_client_key, pn_app_id with the new values created in Particle Dashboard. {% endhint %}

API Reference

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK by calling the ParticleNetwork.init()method, passing the method a context. Do this as soon as your app starts, like in the onCreate()method of your Application.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

class App : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        //init Particle SDK for solana chain 
        ParticleNetwork.init(this, Env.DEV, ChainInfo.Solana)

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Particle Network support Solana and EVM chains, you can init with below chain info:

👉 chainId and chainName configs

Switch ChainInfo

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

// Async switch chain name, it will check if user has logged in this chain name.
// For example, if a user logged in with ethereum, then switch to  bsc,
// it will switch to bsc directly, beacuse both bsc and ethereum are evm,
// but if switch to solana, beacuse user didn't log in solana before, it will 
// present a web browser for additional information automatically.
    object : ResultCallback {
        override fun success() {
            val currChain =

        override fun failure() {
// Sync switch chain name. it will wont check if user has logged in.

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


To auth login with Particle, call ParticleNetwork.login(...)with activity and callback. You can log in with your email or phone number by changing the loginType parameter. Your wallet is created when you log in successfully for the first time.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

//   - Parameters:
//   - loginType: Login type, support jwt,email, phone, google, apple and facebook
//   - account: When login type is email or phone, you could pass email address or phone number,Optional.
                When login type is jwt, you must pass json web token.
//   - supportAuthType: Controls whether third-party login buttons are displayed. default will show none third-party login buttons.
//   - loginFormMode: Controls whether show light UI in web, default is false.
//   - prompt: Social login prompt. default is null
    loginType = LoginType.PHONE,
    account = "",
    supportAuthTypeValues = SupportAuthType.FACEBOOK.value or SupportAuthType.GOOGLE.value or SupportAuthType.APPLE.value,
    prompt = null,
    loginCallback = object : WebServiceCallback<UserInfo> {
        override fun success(output: UserInfo) {
        override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {

// - without account parameter you can use this method overwrite
    loginType = LoginType.PHONE,
    supportAuthTypeValues = SupportAuthType.FACEBOOK.value or SupportAuthType.GOOGLE.value or SupportAuthType.APPLE.value,
    loginCallback = object : WebServiceCallback<UserInfo> {
        override fun success(output: UserInfo) {
        override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
// Login with JWT
val account = "json web token"
    loginType = LoginType.JWT,
    account = account,
    supportAuthTypeValues = SupportAuthType.ALL.value,
    loginCallback = object : WebServiceCallback<UserInfo>{
        override fun success(output: UserInfo) {
        override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} After log-in success, you can obtain user info by calling ParticleNetwork.getUserInfo() {% endhint %}


The SDK will delete users' account information in cache.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

ParticleNetwork.logout(object : WebServiceCallback<WebOutput> {
    override fun success(output: WebOutput) {
        //logout success

    override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
        //handle error

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Fast Logout

Logout without broswer,The SDK will delete users' account information in cache.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

 ParticleNetwork.fastLogout(object : ResultCallback {
        override fun success() {
            //logout success

        override fun failure() {
            //handle error

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Check user login status

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{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Java" %}


{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


Use Particle SDK to sign a transaction or message. The SDK provides three methods for signing:

  1. signAndSendTransaction: sign and send the transaction with Particle Node, then return the signature.
  2. signTransaction: sign transaction, return signed message, only Solana blockchain support it.
  3. signMessage: sign message, return signed message.
  4. signTypedData : sign typed data,only EVM blockchain support it.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

//solana transaction: base58 string. 
//evm transcation:'0x' prefixed hex string.
ParticleNetwork.signAndSendTransaction(transaction, object : WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>{
    override fun success(output: SignOutput) {
        //sign and send transaction success

    override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
        // handle error

//solana transaction: base58 string. evm not support this method.
ParticleNetwork.signTransaction(transaction, object : WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>{
    override fun success(output: SignOutput) {
        //sign transaction success

    override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
        // handle error

//transaction: request base58 string list in solana, not support evm
val allTrans = listOf(trans1, trans2)
    object : WebServiceCallback<SignOutput> {
        override fun success(output: SignOutput) {
            //sign success
        override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
            // handle error

//solana message: any string.
//evm message: '0x' prefixed hex string, use 'personal_sign' to sign.
ParticleNetwork.signMessage(message, object : WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>{
    override fun success(output: SignOutput) {
        //sign success

    override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
        // handle error

//sign typed data, only evm support this method.
//message: '0x' prefixed hex string.
ParticleNetwork.signTypedData(message, version, object : WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>{
    override fun success(output: SignOutput) {
        //sign success

    override fun failure(errMsg: ErrorInfo) {
        // handle error

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Java" %}

//transaction: base58 string
 ParticleNetworkAuth.signAndSendTransaction(ParticleNetwork.INSTANCE,transaction, new WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>() {

    public void success(@NonNull SignOutput output) {
        //sign and send transaction success

    public void failure(@NonNull WebServiceError errMsg) {
        //handle error

//transaction: base58 string
ParticleNetworkAuth.signTransaction(ParticleNetwork.INSTANCE,transaction, new WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>() {

    public void success(@NonNull SignOutput output) {
        //sign transaction success

    public void failure(@NonNull WebServiceError errMsg) {
        //handle error

//sign any string
ParticleNetworkAuth.signMessage(ParticleNetwork.INSTANCE,message, new WebServiceCallback<SignOutput>() {

    public void success(@NonNull SignOutput output) {
        //sign success

    public void failure(@NonNull WebServiceError errMsg) {
        //handle error

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

You can create transaction with TxData.There's an easy way to do this with Wallet Service

Set Display Wallet

// set display wallet when call sign and send transaction. default is false

Open Web Wallet

// if user is login, it will open web wallet.
 val customStyleJson = 
        "supportAddToken": false,
        "supportChains": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Ethereum"
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Ethereum"

Open account and security


Set security account config

// set security account config, 
// promptSettingWhenSign default value is 1.
// promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin default value is 0.
// 0 no prompt
// 1 first time show prompt
// 2 every time show prompt
        promptSettingWhenSign = 1,
        promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin = 2

Custom interface style

//this is the default setting

Language setting

//Set the language of the SDK
//support LanguageEnum.EN、LanguageEnum.JA、LanguageEnum.KO、LanguageEnum.ZH_CN、LanguageEnum.ZH_TW

//Get Applied Language
val languageEnum = ParticleNetwork.getAppliedLanguage()

Control setpassword dialog

If the user does not set a password, a dialog box will pop up when the user sends a transaction,

If you don't want to prompt the user, you can call the following code



ErrorInfo contains error details. You can check the information by printing the message attribute.

Particle Wallet Connect V1

Integrate your app as a wallet connect wallet.

Add the Particle Wallet Connect SDK to Your App

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

repositories {
    maven { setUrl("") }
dependencies {
    // Particle Wallet Connect Service

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Groovy" %}

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    // Particle Auth Service
    implementation 'network.particle:particle-wallet-connect:${latest_version}'

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

// Note: If you want to add listening events, you need to put them before init
ParticleWalletConnect.onXXListeners = {
// Initialize Particle Wallet Connect SDK, a wallet meta data
val dAppMetadata = DAppMetadata(
  "Particle Connect",
  description = "Particle Connect is a decentralized wallet connection protocol that makes it easy for users to connect their wallets to your DApp.",

ParticleWalletConnect.init(this, dAppData = dAppMetadata)

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

// Connect to a wallet connect code
val uri = "wc:DDCBBAA8-B1F1-4B98-8F74-84939E0B1533@1?bridge=https%3A%2F%2Fbridge%2Ewalletconnect%2Eorg%2F&key=3da9dbb33b560beeb1750203a8d0e3487b4fe3fdd7b7953d79fbccadae8aab48"

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Set Provider And Listeners

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

//require: This method needs to be called before ParticleWalletConnect.init
//AuthProvider Implemented the following methods:
//Here you can replace  your own Provider
 ParticleWalletDelegate.wcEventModels.onEach { wcEvent ->
    when (wcEvent) {
        is Sign.Model.SessionProposal -> {

        is Sign.Model.SessionRequest -> {

        else -> {


//approve or reject
ParticleWalletConnect.onSessionRequest = { id, peerMeta ->
    //or reject
//disconnect session
ParticleWalletConnect.onDisconnect = { code, topic, reason ->

//receive change network request
ParticleWalletConnect.onWalletChangeNetwork = { id, topic, chainId ->
    //show dialog to switch network

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Session Operation

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Kotlin" %}

//when ParticleWalletConnect.approveSession() is call,a new Session can be saved
//get All Session Info
//get Session by topic
//delete Session by topic
//delete all Sessions

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}