Edge detection is an image processing technique for finding the boundaries of objects within images. This can be achieved by a variety of computer vision algorithms on all kinds of images. Edge detection is a technique used in a variety of real-life applications like medical imaging, finger-print scanning, and of course those snappy filters on social media.
- Add the JitPack repository to your build file / or inside settings.gradle if new gradle system.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Now add the dependency to the app level gradle file.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Parneet-Raghuvanshi:Plotline:1.0.0'
- First of all cratre an Instance object of Plotline, here just Give you main activity context instead of MainActivity.this.
- implements the PlotlineHandler interface to your class.
- After implementing ovverride the
function in your class as shown below.
// This is your Activity in which you want to use Edge Detection
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements PlotlineHandler {
// inside a class (for example here --> MainActivity.java)
Plotline plotline = new Plotline(MainActivity.this);
* Here is your class body
// this function will recieve all the results from pltoline
public void plotlineHandler(Bitmap preImage,Bitmap postImage,String TYPE_CODE) {
Plotline have one main Image processing function.
This will take a bitmap and give back you the edge detected bitmap.
public Bitmap processImage(Bitmap bitmap) {...}
There are 4 types of helper/utility functions for camera/gallery to avoid boiler-plate code, these functions are void and you can get result images from plotlineHandler function.
this function open gallery and then process image.openCameraWithDetection()
this function open camera and then process image.openGallery()
this function will only open gallery and will give you the choosen btimap.openCamera()
this function will only open camera and will give you the clicked bitmap.
public void openGalleryWithDetection() {...}
public void openCameraWithDetection() {...}
public void openGallery() {...}
public void openCamera() {...}
There are also 2 types of similar function for url processing, these functions needs the url to be passed, and you can get result images from plotlineHandler function.
this function opens a url and then process the image.openUrl()
this function will only return the bitmap.
public void openUrlWithDetection(String urlString) {...}
public void openUrl(String urlString) {...}
To get result in plotlineHandler()
function, there are two types of response based on the String parameter TYPE_CODE
where :-
then the result is of a function with Edge Detection and you will get bot Bitmap non-nullpreImage
= unprocessed raw image Bitmap.postImage
= processed imge Bitmap (Edge Detected).
then the result is of utility like to open camera/gallerry/url and get raw image bitmap only.preImage
= unprocessed raw image Bitmap.postImage
= null this time.
This is the most interesting part to know :) believe me.
Edge Detection can be achieved by a series of operations performed on the image bitmap in the form of integer byte arrays.
Such of these operations are mentioned below.
Always open for Discussions : 😊 Parneet Raghuvanshi