This repository represents an effort by the PalEON Project to re-build age models from the Neotoma Paleoecological Database using the Bayesian chronology method known as Bacon (Blaauw & Christen, 2001).
This work is used within the STEPPS pollen-prediction model as described in Dawson et al. (2016), but also represents an intellectual contribution in its own right, detailled in the RMarkdown file Baconizing_paper.Rmd
- Andria Dawson - webpage
- University of Arizona
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Simon Goring - webpage
- Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin - Madison
To run the code to generate the age models:
- From the command line (within the current working directory):
Rscript ./setup_bacon.r
Rscript ./run_bacon.r
The paper can either be generated using RStudio's built in tools for rendering RMarkdown files, or from the commandline:
Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("Baconizing_paper.Rmd")'