This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
My Challenge
- Build with Notepad++
- [What I learned]: No Center of Elements without a spezific height.
- [Useful resources] W3C
[Author] Patrick
Tryed to center the #Card to the middle of the Screen. Cant reach that with display:Flex; justify-content:center,
I searchd the internet of a solution and find out, that i have to give a spezific height to the element #card.
No Screenshot a.t.m.
First i build the section #card and put the QR and the Text in seperate articles. So i can now display flex column.
Than i build a footer arround the given Text (in the footer) and fixed it in the middle on the bottom.
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
I learnd that i have to give an Element a height of 100vh, so the element will centered in the middle of the screen when i do display:flex, justify-content:center und align-items:center.
Will do more Challenges to grow in HTML CSS and JavaScript.
W3C Homepage
- Frontend Mentor - @PadseGaming