Releases: PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-h
Releases · PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis-h
- Fix bug with eBAGIS AOI menu where MessageBox did not accept cancel as input to close the menu
- Synchronize class library with other BAGIS modules
- Fix bug where ZonalStatisticsAsTable tool failed when vector was used as snap raster. This bug occurred when using the Assign Sequential Id tool. This bug only occurs on v10.7.1
- issue #45: Fix bug where AGS Pro errors with feature classes converted from shapefiles by BAGIS Tools. Use FeatureClassToFeatureClass tool (2-DEC-2020)
Note: This version has been tested to work on ArcMap 10.7.1
Issue #40: Remove restriction on number of unique values
Issue #39: Add logout button to AOI upload/download screen
Issue #38: AOI Upload/Download: error handling related to user access privilege
Issue #30: Implement chunked uploads (11-JAN-2018)
Issue #42: Updates to accommodate new production ebagis instance (3-APR-2018)
- Issue #24: Add search filter to Basins AOI menu
- Issue #25: Allow user to change and persist the basins database location
- Issue #26: Cancel and clear tasks user notifications
- Issue #27: Variety of GUI updates to basins database menu
- Issue #28: Add progress indicator when GUI is non-responsive
- Issue #32: Non-contiguous HRU(s) - recalculate "AREA_SqKm" and "AREA_Acre" fields after polygrid_v is dissolved to create non-contiguous HRU layer
- Issue #33: Add code to eliminate and reclassify zones tools to warn the user if the number of polygons is less than the maximum hru id; Recommend the user run the Assign sequential HRU ID tool
- Issue #34: Refine HRU - Reclassify zones: allow users to change the non-contiguous property
- Issue #35: Eliminate tool - Rebuild raster attribute table after FeatureToRaster tool finishes; Disable retain source attributes if > 5000 polygons due to performance issues; Set 'estimated number of zones removed' to Unknown in certain cases.
- Issue #36: Template rule - iteration caused HRU creation to fail; Implement Geoproccesing filter
- Fix issue #11: Add area of individual polygon parts as an option for non-contiguous HRU's
- Fix issue #17: Display area of smallest polygon on eliminate tool; Display non-contiguous status of parent
- Fix issue #18: Reclass zones tool did not handle non-contiguous HRU's correctly
- Fix issue #19: BAGIS-H and -P try to define the unit of the PRISM precipitation layers when they don't exist
- Fix for issue #10: Assign sequential id tool missing attribute table
- Fix for issue #12: HRU id field not maintained by some BAGIS tools
- Fix for issue #15: Assign sequential id tool fails after eliminate tool
- Fix for issue #16: Remove warning from raster slice tool
- Fix for issue #11: Eliminate tool doesn't split non-contiguous HRU's