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Gumbel-Softmax + Sentence Embedding

This is a separate repo for a specific part of my undergrad thesis (My undergrad thesis repo is here). I attempt to improve sentence embeddings via discrete optimization, which is learnt through Gumbel Softmax. The performance results are not ideal, yet the methodology and implementation behind this exploration are worth documenting.

The highlights are:

  • Huggingface style Trainer + transformers:v4.22.0 compatibility
  • Discrete Optimization + Gumbel-Softmax method
  • More reasonable evaluation

Table of Contents



# for a separate python env
conda create -n hgf python=3.8.13 -y
conda activate hgf
# requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# download eval data
cd SentEval/data/downstream


bash scripts/
# or
bash scripts/
# eval scripts are also provided.
# The scripts are highly customizable, with arugments explained in metadata.

Gumbel Softmax (original paper)

Discrete Optimization

Originally, discrete optimization is learnt in RL style through REINFORCE algorithm.

$$\nabla_\theta\mathbb{E}z[\mathcal{L}(z)] = \nabla\theta \int dz\ p_\theta(z)\mathcal{L}(z) = \int dz\ p_\theta(z)\nabla_\theta \log p_\theta(z)\mathcal{L}(z)\ =\mathbb{E}z[\mathcal{L}(z)\nabla\theta \log p_\theta(z)]$$

where $z$ is drawn from a distribution parameterized on $\theta$ and $\theta$ is optimized. The problem lies in efficienctly sampling from the distribution during each learning step. Even binary combinations would grow expotentially. Another difficulty is related to high variance. The motivation for a better optimization objective is strong.


sampling from an arbitrary discrete distribution can be tackled through the Gumbel-Max trick, which takes the form of: $$\argmax_i(\log p_i - \log(-\log\varepsilon_i)),\ \varepsilon_i\ i.i.d.\sim\mathcal{U}(0, 1)$$ It can be prooved that: $$P(\argmax_i(\log p_i - \log(-\log\varepsilon_i))==j) = p_j$$

Gumbel Distribution

Let us inspect the distribution of $$\xi = -\log(-\log\varepsilon),\ \varepsilon\sim\mathcal{U}(0,1)$$ Its density function can be derived as

$$F(X) = P(\xi \leq X) = P(-\log(-\log\varepsilon)\leq X)\\ = P(-\log \varepsilon \geq \exp(-X)) = P(\varepsilon\leq\exp(-\exp(-X)))\\ =\exp(-\exp(-X)) $$

Deriving Gumbel-Max

Denote $\log p_i-\log(-\log\varepsilon_i)$ as $\mathbb{G}(i)$.

$$P(\argmax_i(\log p_i - \log(-\log\varepsilon_i))==j)\\ =\prod_iP(\mathbb{G}(j)\geq\mathbb{G}(i)) $$

We have

$$\mathbb{G}(j)\geq\mathbb{G}(i)\Leftrightarrow\ \log p_i-\log(-\log\varepsilon_i)\geq \log p_j-\log(-\log\varepsilon_j)\\ \\ \Leftrightarrow \frac{p_i}{-\log \varepsilon_i}\leq \frac{p_j}{-\log \varepsilon_j} \Leftrightarrow p_i\log\varepsilon_j\geq p_j\log\varepsilon_i\\ \Leftrightarrow\varepsilon_i\leq\varepsilon_j^{\frac{p_i}{p_j}} $$


$$P(\mathbb{G}(j)\geq\mathbb{G}(i)|\varepsilon_j =\hat\varepsilon_j) = \hat\varepsilon_j^{\frac{p_i}{p_j}} $$


$$\prod_iP(\mathbb{G}(j)\geq\mathbb{G}(i)|\varepsilon_j =\hat\varepsilon_j) = \hat\varepsilon_j^{\frac{\sum_ip_i}{p_j}} = \hat\varepsilon_j^{\frac{1-p_j}{p_j}}$$ $\Rightarrow$ $$P(\mathbb{G}(j)\geq\mathbb{G}(i)) = \int_0^1 d\hat\varepsilon_j\ \hat\varepsilon_j^{\frac{1-p_j}{p_j}} = p_j\varepsilon^{\frac{1}{p_j}}|_{\varepsilon=0}^1 = p_j$$ Therefore, sampling from arbitrary categorical distribution can be reparameterized to sampling from Gumbel distribution.

Putting It Together

Recall that sampling from arbitrary categorical distribution can be reparameterized as sampling $\varepsilon_i$ from Gumbel distribution. $$\argmax_i(\log p_i - \log(-\log\varepsilon_i)),\ \varepsilon_i\ i.i.d.\sim\mathcal{U}(0, 1)$$

To tackle the problem underlying discrete optimization, we would like to approximate discrete operations with continuous operations, such that gradients flow back to the parameters that the sampled distribution is conditioned on (Here, $p_i$).

It is intuitive that by replacing argmax with softmax, we would obtain a continuous approximation where gradients to distribution parameter $p_i$ are well defined. Moreover, by annealing the temperature to 0, the softmax operation would approach argmax in both sampled value and expectation value.


For an input sentence $\mathbb{S} = {s_i}_{i=1}^{N}$, assume that a proxy model predicts $P(s_i\ \text{should be kept}|\mathbb{S}) = \mathcal{P}(s_i, \mathbb{S})$ for the best performing sentence embedding. The intuition behind is that certain tokens may introduce noise to pooled sentence embeddings. We use a small proxy model for $\mathcal{P}$.

Should a token be deleted from input, the ATTN process would be affected. Here, we shrink the attention_probs of $s_i$ by multiplying with $\mathcal{P}(s_i, \mathbb{S})$. This is equivalent to performing a continuous dropout between $[0, 1]$.

During inference, we keep tokens with $\mathcal{P}(s_i, \mathbb{S}) >= 0.5$. Should all tokens be discarded, we keep the token with the largest $\mathcal{P}$.


In the original SimCSE repo, performance is evaluated on STS tasks. Interestingly, only the dev split of STSBenchmark is used for validation during training. Test evaluation is performed on train and test split. However, considering the semi-supervized nature of SimCSE, it is more natural to combine the train split and dev split as validation set for less variation. statistics are tracked through Trainer and tensorboard. Sample from sup-roberta-base: image

All Results

Here we report spearman correlation results.

avg_sts avg_test avg_train_and_dev sickrelatedness sts12 sts13 sts14 sts15 sts16 stsbenchmark stsbenchmark_test stsbenchmark_train_and_dev
unsup-bert-GS 0.7422 0.7394 0.7820 0.6948 0.6505 0.7950 0.7076 0.8034 0.7655 0.7782 0.7592 0.7820
unsup-bert 0.7499 0.7473 0.7822 0.7077 0.6428 0.8168 0.7226 0.8025 0.7784 0.7785 0.7600 0.7822
unsup-roberta-GS 0.7463 0.7458 0.7863 0.6831 0.6386 0.7931 0.7202 0.8179 0.7861 0.7852 0.7816 0.7863
unsup-roberta 0.7602 0.7604 0.7955 0.6948 0.6597 0.8124 0.7339 0.8192 0.806 0.7954 0.7969 0.7955
sup-bert-GS 0.8148 0.8144 0.8451 0.8095 0.7493 0.8461 0.7989 0.8535 0.8023 0.8444 0.8414 0.8451
sup-bert 0.8153 0.8149 0.8456 0.8104 0.7521 0.8452 0.7981 0.8534 0.8027 0.8451 0.8427 0.8456
sup-roberta-GS 0.8249 0.8257 0.8511 0.8063 0.7616 0.8571 0.8096 0.8580 0.8294 0.8521 0.8578 0.8511
sup-roberta 0.8213 0.8224 0.8497 0.8025 0.7586 0.8475 0.8033 0.8536 0.8321 0.8511 0.8591 0.8497

It can be seen that merely introducing gumbel softmax do not guarantee boost in performance. Another metric that is worth noticing is the sparsity of learned probabilities. As it turns out, the proxy model tends to retain all tokens instead of removing any.

Why SimCSE Works

The scheme for obtaining positive examples in SimCSE is to leverage different dropout masks. Though it seems simple, its meanings are profound and it might be more complicated than supposed.

See code:

# attention_scores -> [bs, num_head, seq_len, seq_len]
# Normalize the attention scores to probabilities.
attention_probs = nn.functional.softmax(attention_scores, dim=-1)

# This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
# seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs)

attention_probs[bs, num_head, i, j] denote the probability with respect to batch bs and multihead num_head that token[i] should plus the value of token[j]. Applying dropout to this element is equivalent to removing token[j] when computing ATTN score for token[i] in a specific multihead from a specific layer. However, the continuous dropout mask that I introduce applies to all layers, all heads and all tokens ( as seen in code proxy_outputs[:, None, None, :]). Therefore, the original dropout scheme introduces fine-grained noises within the model and it is no wonder that it outperforms other discrete schemes over inputs.


Archive for undergrad thesis @Ja1Zhou







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