Aplicativo criado para demonstrar o conhecimento em React-Native, consumindo a API do Coursify, exibindo os posts por categoria, organizando o conteúdo conforme os filtros, e exibindo o conteudo das postagens.
Application created to demonstrate knowledge in React-Native, consuming the Coursify API, displaying posts by category, organizing content according to filters, and displaying the content of posts.
- React Navigation;
- HTML View;
- Filters;
- API Rest;
- React Native;
- Typescript;
- Expo;
- Lottie;
- Axios;
- HTML View;
- React Native Gesture Handler;
Utilize o yarn ou o npm install para instalar as dependências do projeto. Em seguida, inicie o projeto.
Use yarn or npm install to install project dependencies. Then start the project.
expo start
npx react-native-run-android
Developed by Otávio Stasiak - March/2022