##Parkour game base on cocos2d-x 3.9
I made some updates to make it work in cocos2d-x version 3.9. right now works on:
- Android
- Windows [win32].*
- Windows 8.1 universal platform
- My custom gitignore to just click and make this projects work
For other platforms I don't know how to do this But I'm pretty sure that they will work.
详情参考 WIKI
##Demo Maybe the will not look the same.
*http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/error-c1083-cant-open-extensions-extensionmacros-h/11937 You need to do this to make it work in the win32 platform
Because of this:
- error C1083: can’t open “extensions/ExtensionMacros.h”
Right click on your project in the property->configure property->C/C++->general->additional include directory add "$(EngineRoot);" into the "additional include directory". Format just like the other directories. Thanks to user Burnian form cocos2d-x forums
Oscar Leif