0.6.2 (2023-05-15)
Bug Fixes
- bound: fix bound test (#131) (231b27e)
- destroy: fix object destroy (#142) (c9a0fc2)
- geometry: fix multi geometry (#133) (20f649b)
- HDRBloomPost: add luminosityThreshold arg (#106) (34ba5d9)
- light: fix light ies (#109) (efc5f4d)
- light: fix remove light (#137) (da29404)
- renderOpt: fix poor performance in handling shadow (#143) (93d8a1c)
- videoTexture: force videoTexture refresh at rendering frameRate (#119) (eeac1fc)
- destroy: allow force destroy object (#145) (91cb9d1)
- sample: add physics samples (#139) (422af0b)
- sample: Add pick samples (#124) (dbecd95)
- sample: add material samples (#105) (f455f42)
- sample: add sample of geometry (#116) (5eb40e6)
- sample: add sample of loader (#114) (4745a5e)
- sample: add samples of animation (#115) (a68bb77)