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Andy Galasso edited this page Aug 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

PHD2 Guide Log Format

The PHD2 Guide Log records information about each camera frame while calibrating or guiding.

Each time calibration or guiding starts a new section is added to the log. Each section consists of a summary of calibration or guiding settings, a column label line, and lines for the camera frames.

The lines for the camera frames are in comma-separated value (CSV) format.

There may be informational lines interspersed with the CSV lines indicating events that affect guiding, such as guiding parameter changes. These lines all start with INFO:.

All distances and positions are in units of guide camera pixels.

Calibration section

The calibration section columns are:

Column Description
Direction calibration step direction
Step step number
dx x-axis distance from starting point
dy y-axis distance from starting point
x x position
y y position
Dist distance from starting position

Guiding section

The guiding section columns are:

Column Description
Frame Frame number
Time elapsed time (seconds) from start of guiding
mount guide correction device "Mount" or "AO", or "DROP" if camera frame was rejected
dx X distance from lock position
dy Y distance from lock position
RARawDistance distance from lock position on Dec axis
DECRawDistance distance from lock position on RA axis
RAGuideDistance effective RA distance computed by the RA guide algorithm
DECGuideDistance effective Dec distance computed by the Dec guide algorithm
RADuration RA guide pulse duration (ms)
RADirection RA pulse direction E or W
DECDuration Dec guide pulse duration (ms)
DECDirection Dec pulse direction N or S
XStep AO X-axis step
YStep AO Y-axis step
StarMass Star mass value
SNR Star Signal to Noise Ratio value
ErrorCode Error code value for this frame (0 if no error)
ErrorDescription description of the error, if any