No longer a "preview" release! Mapper v0.6.0 is finally ready. It contains a lot of work especially since 0.5.3, and 70 commits since 0.5.97. I would like to repeat and extend the list of highlights:
- PDF export with CMYK colors (#482)
- Georeferencing with EPSG code, even for EPSG 5514 (#542)
- Revised template dialog on Android (#493)
- Translation updates (#346)
- Documentation updates (#347, work in progress)
Find all resoved issues on Github.
[Known issues in 0.6.0](https://github.com/OpenOrienteering/mapper/issues?q=label:"known issues 0.6.0") will be collected there, too.
We have to say a big THANK YOU to all the contributors. In the last months, the number of contributions started to increase. We are glad that we could add a few new names to the list.
All Downloads
Downloads for Windows are built and hosted on openSUSE build service (OBS).
Installer for 64 bit Windows (x64)
Installer for 32 bit Windows (x86)
Self-extracting archive for 64 bit Windows
Self-extracting archive for 32 bit Windows
Downloads for OS X are hosted on Github.
DMG for drag-and-drop installation
Downloads for Linux are built and hosted on openSUSE build service (OBS).
It is sufficient to download the single binary packages directly. You don't need to add the repository.
Downloads for Android are hosted on Github.
APK for armeabi-v7a
APK for x86
The Mapper source code from OpenOrienteering is available at the end of this page. Source code of 3rd-party components is provided in the OpenOrienteering/sources repository on Github and in the repositories on OBS.
Please note that the OS X package were build with another patch listed below, fixing a missing plugin which is required to display the user manual.