master v20201227.4
Continuous integration build 2299, based on Superbuild 20201219.
Major Changes:
- 📳 Export of a selected line object as KML course file for MapRunF.
Start, finish and controls (starting at number 1) are created from the points of the line object. Together with the improved KMZ export, you can create MapRunF event files in a few seconds now. You may even just draw a line on top of an existing KMZ file, and export this as a course. (There are no tools to edit control numbers or describtions, but you may open the KML file in a text editor or Google Earth if desired.) - Preserving the order of object tags in the file format (GH-1290).
- Fixed the rotation of area symbols when rotating the map (GH-1812).
- Fixed the changing of raster resolution for PDF and KMZ export (GH-1815).