This project is a fork of Change By Us for the purposes of launching a citizen-lead civic feedback and engagement site in the City of Hamilton, Ontario.
Join us on IRC in the #OpenHamilton channel of, or head over to the wiki for this fork to discuss ideas.
Open Hamilton has weekly meetings every Thursday evening at 7pm located at think|haus, 25 Dundurn St N in Hamilton.
The Open Hamilton: Ideas codebase is open source, licensed under Version 3 of the Gnu Affero GPL. Please see the LEGAL/ folder for more details.
Contributions and improvements to Open Hamilton: Ideas are always welcome. Please either submit a ticket; or fork, improve and submit a pull-request.
This repository holds code intended for use on Open Hamilton: Ideas and is currently in a state of flux as we adapt the original code to suit are differening environment and needs. As such, we do not recommend you directly install this version of the repository and would recomment the original project Change By Us
This project is lead and developed by Open Hamilton, a collection of open data enthusiasts in Hamilton, Ontario (#HamOnt) and would not be possible without the support of think|haus.
This projects builds upon ChangeByUs:
- Local Projects envisioned and designed Change By Us for the city of New York.
- Code for America contributed a number of features and brought the project to 2.0