✔️ Code in pure React / TypeScript
✔️ Spotify CLIENT_SECRET environment variable and generated auth token hidden behind deployed Netlify Function API
Re-dev of this project:
The Spotify UK Charts Archive generator
A successful personal project that was created to prove I could build an innovative solution from scratch.
I then went on to study and wrap a Grunt workflow around the project, which concatonates the scripts.
More playing with API's, this time from the UK Charts Archive Wikia:
Lots of great functional ideas stemmed from this project (generated from showing to people); these can be researched and written up, and requires getting to grips with Spotify API in due time...
Sometimes anomalies are returned - the code can be tuned further to take care of these.
In the 'client' project directory you can run:
Will perform a usual installation of any dependencies.
Will perform a usual launch of the dev environment.
In the 'rest-api' project directory you can run:
Will perform a usual installation of any dependencies.
Will perform a usual launch of the back-end Node.JS dev environment; for file: spotify-connect-local.js
Server will run: http://localhost:3001/
Will perform a launch of the local Netlify function; for file: netlify/functions/spotify-connect.js
Server will run on: http://localhost:9999/.netlify/functions/spotify-connect
In the 'rest-api' folder, you will need to provide your own Spotify keys - in a .env file.
As this is a Vite app, I hosted it on GitHub pages using this guide:
To hide the CLIENT_SECRET and generated auth token I have built and deployed the 'rest-api' folder, and hosted it here: https://rememrify-connect.netlify.app/api/spotify-connect
This page was a guide:
Further CORS issues were resolved with this guide: