In this function we need to implement reading from a file. We are given a csv file. By convention, in this file, the first column of the edge is the first vertex, the second is the second, and the third is the weight of the edge. To implement this function, we created a graph.csv file, the content of which looks like this:
csv file
- [[0, 3, 2, 1, 1], [3, 0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0, 5, 2], [1, 1, 5, 0, 3], [1, 0, 2, 3, 0]]
Next, in order to develop the following functions, we decided that we need to represent the graph as an adjacency matrix for a weighted graph. Because, in the next function, we will need to find the shortest Hamiltonian cycle, and it is easiest to do this when the graph is specified in this way. Therefore, our function must return the matrix as a list of lists.
Author: Yaryna Petruniv
Helpers: Oleksandr Ivaniuk
import csv
def read_file(file):
Read a csv file where each line represents two connected vertexes
and length between them. The first column of each line is the first vertex,
the second one is the next vertex, whereas the third column represents the
length of the rib between them.
with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fff:
csvreader = csv.reader(fff)
mas = []
for row in csvreader:
mxm = 0
for lst in mas:
if int(lst[0]) > mxm:
mxm = int(lst[0])
if int(lst[1]) > mxm:
mxm = int(lst[1])
matrix = []
for ind in range(mxm):
_ = []
for jnd in range(mxm):
for lst in mas:
matrix[int(lst[0])-1][int(lst[1])-1] = int(lst[2])
matrix[int(lst[1])-1][int(lst[0])-1] = int(lst[2])
return matrix
Greedy algorithm that is trying to find shortest way throw all vertices.
- parameter: graph: list
- return type: string
At each iteration we choose shortest edge connected to vertex that has not visited
Aurthor: Oleksandr Ivaniuk
def greedy(graph1):
Greedy alghorithm that finds approximate shortest hamiltonian cycle
graph = copy.deepcopy(graph1)
curr_pos = 0
verticals_lst = [1]
while len(verticals_lst) != len(graph)+1:
min_elm = float('inf')
min_ind = 0
for ind_row, elm in enumerate(graph[curr_pos]):
if elm < min_elm and elm != 0 and ind_row+1 not in verticals_lst:
min_elm = elm
min_ind = ind_row
if min_elm == float('inf') and graph[0][curr_pos] != 0:
min_elm = graph[0][curr_pos]
elif min_elm == float('inf'):
return "do not find a way"
graph[curr_pos][min_ind] = 0
graph[min_ind][curr_pos] = 0
curr_pos = min_ind
return verticals_lst
This function implements the Held-Karp algorithm for finding a solution to the traveling salesman problem. At each call of a function we make list of points through which we need to go shorter therefore we will reach the end.
- parameter: graph: list
- return type: string
Graph is matrix that represents values of edges. Function also has an option to return result in letters. Instruction to this can be found in code.
Author: Ustym Hentosh
def exact(graph: list):
Finds cycle of minimum lenght
>>> exact([[0, 3, 1, 2], [3, 0, 3, 4], [1, 3, 0, 20], [2, 4, 20, 0]])
'path = [1, 4, 2, 3, 1], length = 10'
dct = {}
for i in range(len(graph)):
dct[i] = chr(65 + i)
# print(dct)
start = 0
end = 0
start_points = list(dct.keys())
global memory
memory = []
def find_min(graph, start, points, end, result = []):
Finds cycle of minimum lenght
if len(points) == 1:
path = f'{dct[start]} {dct[points[0]]} {dct[end]}'
if graph[points[0]][end] * graph[start][end] != 0:
# print([path, graph[start][points[0]] + graph[points[0]][end] ])
return [path, graph[start][points[0]] + graph[points[0]][end] ]
# print([f'No {path}', float('inf')])
return [f'No {path}', float('inf')]
for i in points:
new_points = [item for item in points if item != i]
special_marking = ''.join(str(dct[el]) for el in new_points)
path = f'{dct[start]} {special_marking} {dct[i]}+{dct[end]}'
if graph[i][end] != 0:
result.append([path , find_min(graph, start, new_points, i, [])[1] + graph[i][end]])
result.append([f'No {path}' , float('inf')])
answer = min(result, key = lambda x: x[1])
return answer
answer = find_min(graph, start, start_points, end, result = [])
def decode(memory, answer):
Decodes answer that find_min returns
work_list = reversed(memory)
length = len(answer[0])
sign = '+A'
result = []
result_modified = ''
for i in work_list:
if len(i) == length and sign in i:
sign = '+' + i[-3]
length -= 1
result = [i] + result
if len(i) == 7:
result_modified = result[0]
for j in result[1:]:
result_modified += j[-1]
return result_modified.replace('+', '').replace(' ', '')
def letters_into_numbers(dictionary, answer_in_letters):
Turns letter-styled answer into numbers list
result = []
reverce_dct = dict((v, k) for k, v in dictionary.items())
for i in answer_in_letters:
result.append(reverce_dct[i] + 1)
return result
if answer[1] == float('inf'):
return 'No such way'
# # if you want result in letters uncomment row below
# return f'dictionary = {dct}, path = {decode(memory, answer)}, length = {answer[1]}'
return f'path = {letters_into_numbers(dct, decode(memory, answer))}, length = {answer[1]}'
Function tests time of execution of exact and greedy algorithms. It calls each algo 10000 times in order to get more precise result.
- parameters function: int (0 or 1)
- return type: float
def time_test(function=0):
Test time execution time of function
If function = 0, runs greedy algorithm time test
If function = 1, runs exact algorithm time test
greedy_alg = timeit.timeit(stmt='''greedy([[0, 3, 2, 1, 1], [3, 0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0, 5, 2],
[1, 1, 5, 0, 3], [1, 0, 2, 3, 0]])''',
setup='from __main__ import greedy',
exact_alg = timeit.timeit(stmt='''exact([[0, 3, 2, 1, 1], [3, 0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0, 5, 2],
[1, 1, 5, 0, 3], [1, 0, 2, 3, 0]])''',
setup='from __main__ import exact',
if function:
return exact_alg
return greedy_alg
Member | Contribution |
Oleksandr Ivaniuk | greedy, presentation, report |
Yaryna Petruniv | read_csv, presentation, report |
Ustym Hentosh | exact, presentation, report |
Taras Lysun | hard thinking, presentation, time_test |
Anna Yaremko | presentation |