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Obiuwevwi-Lawrence edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 7 revisions

Lawrence Problem-Solving Methods.

Methodology Framework

  • Define the problem
  • Make a problem statement
  • Find what the Solution is

Steps to finding a solution to the problem

  • Break down problem to small subproblem (agent)
  • Find relationships with problems between agent
  • Know what an agent problem is and identify ways to solve it.

Steps to creating the lamp output.

Setting up AWS IoT Core:

Create an AWS account if you don't have one already. Go to the AWS IoT Core console and create a new IoT thing to represent your Arduino Nano. You'll also need to generate and download certificates and policy documents for authentication. Set up a topic to which your Arduino Nano will subscribe to receive messages. Programming the Arduino Nano:

Install the Arduino IDE if you haven't already

Write a sketch (Arduino code) that connects to the AWS IoT Core using the MQTT protocol. You'll need to include the necessary MQTT libraries. Subscribe to the topic you created in AWS IoT Core. Define how the Arduino should interpret incoming messages and control the LED bulb accordingly. For example, you might send messages with commands like "turn on," "turn off," or "set brightness." Python code for AWS Lambda:

Write Python code to run on AWS Lambda. This code will receive requests (such as turning the LED bulb on/off or adjusting brightness) and publish messages to the topic in AWS IoT Core.

Set up the necessary AWS permissions for the Lambda function to communicate with the AWS IoT Core. Integration:

Configure triggers for your Lambda function. Triggers could include HTTP requests (e.g., using API Gateway), scheduled events, or other AWS services.

Test the integration by triggering the Lambda function and observing the messages being published to the AWS IoT Core topic. Deployment and Testing:

Deploy your Arduino sketch to the Arduino Nano.

Deploy your Python code to AWS Lambda. Test the end-to-end system by sending commands from your Python code (e.g., via an HTTP request) to AWS Lambda, which in turn publishes messages to the AWS IoT Core topic. Your Arduino Nano should receive these messages and control the LED bulb accordingly.