Original tensorflow codebase here
The code is in Python 3.6 and requires Torch >= 1.0. For supporting tensorboard, Torch >=1.4 is required. Install basic dependencies:
conda install numpy scikit-image pillow scipy scikit-learn pyyaml
pip install easydict
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d
pip install tb-nightly
Install blender from official repo and create a soft link in external folder
ln -s /path/to/blender-2.79b external/blender
This follows Eldar's codebase but the files are saved as Pickle files. So, they take a bit more space than TF records. Viewpoints are saved offline.
Chair: 03001627 Car: 02958343 Airplane: 02691156
cd data
./download_train_data.sh 03001627
./create_tf_records_to.sh 03001627
./download_ground_truth.sh 03001627
To train and evaluate the full model without camera pose supervision execute the following:
cd experiments/chair_unsupervised
# train and compute accuracy on the validation set
python ../../dpc/run/train_eval_to.py
# compute accuracy on the test set
python ../../dpc/run/predict_eval_to.py --eval_split=test
Model | Paper-128^3 occupancy grid, 16000 points, 600k iterations | MVC | Our Implementation (64^3 occupancy grid, 8000 points, 100k iterations) |
Chairs Unsupervised | 4.30 | 6.51 | 7.16 |
Airplane Unsupervised | 3.91 | 4.43 | 6.12 |
Note that our results are obtained using image resolution of 128^2 and voxel resolution 64^3, trained for 100000 iterations and paper's results are for a voxel resolution of 128^3 trained for 600000 iterations.
Visualization code can be found in notebook experiments/chair_unsupervised/visualise.ipynb
Please cite the original paper and (maybe) this codebase if it's helpful
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Shape and Pose with Differentiable Point Clouds},
author = {Insafutdinov, Eldar and Dosovitskiy, Alexey},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
year = {2018}