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Mediapicker Module for Android

MediaPicker Screenshot MediaPicker Screenshot MediaPicker Screenshot MediaPicker Screenshot


To integrate the Mediapicker module into your Android project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the dependency to your project’s build.gradle file (module level):

    dependencies {
        //use latest version
        implementation 'com.github.Nishith4545:MediaPicker:x.x.x'

The Mediapicker Module is a Kotlin-based Android library designed to simplify media selection in your apps. It automatically handles permissions related to media access and eliminates the need to manually declare them in your app's AndroidManifest.xml. Additionally, it supports Android 14's Limited Access feature, allowing users to grant access to specific photos and videos instead of all media files on their device.


1. Automatic Permission Handling

  • Mediapicker Module automatically manages runtime permissions for accessing photos and videos.
  • No need to manually declare permissions in your app's AndroidManifest.xml. The module handles everything internally.
  • Permissions are requested at runtime only when required, ensuring better security and compliance with Android's privacy policies.

2. Support for Android 14's Limited Access Feature (Allow Limited Access)

  • Fully supports Android 14 (API level 34) and its new Limited Access to Photos and Videos feature.
  • Users can select specific photos or videos to share with your app, providing better privacy controls.
  • The module ensures seamless handling of these restricted permissions on Android 14 and above, with no additional setup required from the developer.
  1. Usage
    • The Mediapicker module provides an easy-to-use API to launch media selection and handle results, including permissions and access.

In Your Fragment or Activity

To use the Mediapicker Module, you need to declare the MediaSelectHelper and configure it according to your media selection requirements.

Step 1: Initialize the Helper

lateinit var mediaSelectHelper: MediaSelectHelper
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        mediaSelectHelper = MediaSelectHelper(this)

Step 2: Set Media Selection Options

For selecting images:

mediaSelectHelper.canSelectMultipleImages(false) // Set whether multiple images can be selected
mediaSelectHelper.selectOptionsForImagePicker(true) // Enable image picker options

For selecting videos:

mediaSelectHelper.canSelectMultipleVideo(false) // Set whether multiple videos can be selected
mediaSelectHelper.selectOptionsForVideoPicker() // Enable video picker options

Step 3(Optional): Customize Limited Access Screen

To change the background color of the limited access media screen:


Step 4: Register Callbacks to Handle Selected Media

Use the callback function to retrieve selected media (image/video):

private fun setImagePicker() = with(binding) {
    mediaSelectHelper.registerCallback(object : MediaSelector {
        override fun onVideoUri(uri: Uri) {
            getPath(this@MainActivity, uri)?.let { it1 ->

        override fun onImageUri(uri: Uri) {
            uri.path?.let {

        override fun onCameraVideoUri(uri: Uri) {
            uri.path?.let {

        override fun onUpdatedStorageMedia(
            storageAccess: String,
            canSelectMultipleImages: Boolean,
            canSelectMultipleVideos: Boolean,
            selectFilter: String,
            mediaPath: String
        ) {
    }, supportFragmentManager)