在azure网页右上角的cloud shell中,选择bash,然后执行
sub_id=$(az account list --query [].id -o tsv) && az ad sp create-for-rbac --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$sub_id
"appId": "xxx",
"displayName": "xxx",
"password": "xxx",
"tenant": "xxx"
go install github.com/NingYuanLin/azurePFW@latest
azurePFW config --create
Please input azure client id: ${获取API时获取到的appId}
Please input azure client secret: ${获取API时获取到的password}
Please input azure tenant id: ${获取API时获取到的tenant}
Please input subscription id: ${在订阅页获取订阅ID}
Please input resource group name: ${资源组的名字}
Please input the location of the resource (such as "Japan East"): ${地域名}
Please input the network interface name: ${网络接口的名字,可通过虚拟机=>网络=>网络接口}
Please input the ip configuration name (it will be detected automatically by default): ${可不填,也可网络=>ip配置=>名称}
azurePFW start
- ipv6