Configure your project build script.
buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1' classpath "gradle.plugin.me.lucas:fat-aar-plugin:1.0.9" } }
Apply the plugin and add 'fatLibraryExt ' on the top of your library module build.gradle:
'enable = true' is mean fat-aar turn on.
'enable = false' is mean fat-aar turn off.
apply plugin: 'me.lucas.fat-aar' dependencies { embed project(path: ':subLibrary', configuration: 'default') implementation project(':subLibrary') } fatLibraryExt { enable true }
If you need to remove some files while packing, please add 'excludeFiles '.
fatLibraryExt { enable true excludeFiles { libs { fileNames('gson.jar') } jni { fileNames('test/test.so') } } }