The CURRICULUM VITAE APP is a project developed with Jetpack Compose and Kotlin. It displays individuals' personal details and enables users to view and edit CV information seamlessly. It also allows the user to navigate between the two screens.
- Real-Time Update
- Material UI Theming
- Editing and Viewing Capabilities
- No database
- Scrollstate for shorter device
To run the Curriculum Vitae App follow these steps below:
- Clone the repository using the link below:
- Open Android Studio IDE click on GET FROM VCS, paste the repository link and CLONE
- Build and Run your application on your preferred Emulator or USB DEBUGGING DEVICE
- Upon Launching the application you will see the prefilled details of your CURRICULUM VITAE including your full name, slack username, GitHub handle, and a brief bio.
- To edit your details click on the Edit CV button which helps you navigate to the editing page where you can modifier your details
- Android Studio IDE
- Familiar with states and state holders in Compose and Android
- Implementation of dependencies
- Kotlin Programming Language
Link to Appetize