Decomposed Linear Dynamical Systems (dLDS) for learning the latent components of neural dynamics
Our discrete model can also be pip-installed using the dlds_discrete package, as described at
- Make sure you have os, pickle, and itertools installed in your python directory
- In the cmd, write: !pip install dLDS-discrete-2022
- Import the package: import dlds_discrete
- Import all functions in the main_functions script: from dlds_discrete.main_functions import *
- Call the desired function, as described below (in section (C))
create sample dynamics
create_dynamics(type_dyn = 'cyl', max_time = 1000, dt = 0.01, params_ex = {'radius':1, 'num_cyls': 5, 'bias':0,'exp_power':0.2})
Create ground truth dynamics.
type_dyn = Can be 'cyl', 'lorenz','FHN', 'multi_cyl', 'torus', 'circ2d', 'spiral'
max_time = integer. Number of time points for the dynamics. Relevant only if data is empty;
dt = time interval for the dynamics.
params_ex = dictionary of parameters for the dynamics. {'radius':1, 'num_cyls': 5, 'bias':0,'exp_power':0.2}):
dynamics: k X T matrix of the dynamics
main function to train the model.
train_model_include_D(max_time = 500, dt = 0.1, dynamics_type = 'cyl',num_subdyns = 3, error_reco = np.inf, data = [], step_f = 30, GD_decay = 0.85, max_error = 1e-3, max_iter = 3000, F = [], coefficients = [], params= {'update_c_type':'inv','reg_term':0,'smooth_term':0}, epsilon_error_change = 10**(-5), D = [], x_former =[], latent_dim = None, include_D = False,step_D = 30, reg1=0,reg_f =0 , max_data_reco = 1e-3, sigma_mix_f = 0.1, action_along_time = 'median', to_print = True, seed = 0, seed_f = 0, normalize_eig = True, params_ex = {'radius':1, 'num_cyls': 5, 'bias':0,'exp_power':0.2}, init_distant_F = False,max_corr = 0.1, decaying_reg = 1, other_params_c={}, include_last_up = False)
max_time = Number of time points for the dynamics. Relevant only if data is empty;
dt = time interval for the dynamics
dynamics_type = type of the dynamics. Can be 'cyl', 'lorenz','FHN', 'multi_cyl', 'torus', 'circ2d', 'spiral'
num_subdyns = number of sub-dynamics
error_reco = intial error for the reconstruction (do not touch)
data = if one wants to use a pre define groud-truth dynamics. If not empty - it overwrites max_time, dt, and dynamics_type
step_f = initial step size for GD on the sub-dynamics
GD_decay = Gradient descent decay rate
max_error = Threshold for the model error. If the model arrives at a lower reconstruction error - the training ends.
max_iter = # of max. iterations for training the model
F = pre-defined sub-dynamics. Keep empty if random.
coefficients = pre-defined coefficients. Keep empty if random.
params = dictionary that includes info about the regularization and coefficients solver. e.g. {'update_c_type':'inv','reg_term':0,'smooth_term':0}
epsilon_error_change = check if the sub-dynamics do not change by at least epsilon_error_change, for at least 5 last iterations. Otherwise - add noise to f
D = pre-defined D matrix (keep empty if D = I)
latent_dim = If D != I, it is the pre-defined latent dynamics.
include_D = If True -> D !=I; If False -> D = I
step_D = GD step for updating D, only if include_D is true
reg1 = if include_D is true -> L1 regularization on D
reg_f = if include_D is true -> Frobenius norm regularization on D
max_data_reco = if include_D is true -> threshold for the error on the reconstruction of the data (continue training if the error (y - Dx)^2 > max_data_reco)
sigma_mix_f = std of noise added to mix f
action_along_time = the function to take on the error over time. Can be 'median' or 'mean'
to_print = to print error value while training? (boolean)
seed = random seed
seed_f = random seed for initializing f
normalize_eig = whether to normalize each sub-dynamic by dividing by the highest abs eval
params_ex = parameters related to the creation of the ground truth dynamics. e.g. {'radius':1, 'num_cyls': 5, 'bias':0,'exp_power':0.2}
init_distant_F = when initializing F -> make sure that the correlation between each pair of {f}_i does not exeed a threshold
max_corr = max correlation between each pair of initial sub-dyns (relevant only if init_distant_F is True)
decaying_reg = decaying factor for the l1 regularization on the coefficients. If 1 - there is no decay. (should be a scalar in (0,1])
other_params_c = additional parameters for the update step of c
include_last_up = add another update step of the coefficients at the end
- example call (for Lorenz, w. 3 operators): train_model_include_D(10, 0.01, 'lorenz', 3, GD_decay = 0.99)
create the dynamics reconstruction using the operators and coefficients obtained by dLDS (F, c).
create_reco(latent_dyn,coefficients, F, type_find = 'median',min_far =10, smooth_coeffs = False, smoothing_params = {'wind':5})
This function creates the reconstruction
latent_dyn = the ground truth latent dynamics
coefficients = the operators coefficients ({$c(t)_i})
F = a list of transport operators (a list with M transport operators,
each is a square matrix, kXk, where k is the latent dynamics
dimension )
type_find = 'median'
min_far = 10
smooth_coeffs= False
smoothing_params = {'wind':5}
cur_reco = dLDS reconstruction of the latent dynamics
visualization of the dynamics, with various coloring options
visualize_dyn(dyn,ax = [], params_plot = {},turn_off_back = False, marker_size = 10, include_line = False, color_sig = [],cmap = 'cool', return_fig = False, color_by_dominant = False, coefficients =[], figsize = (5,5),colorbar = False, colors = [],vmin = None,vmax = None, color_mix = False, alpha = 0.4, colors_dyns = np.array(['r','g','b','yellow']), add_text = 't ', text_points = [],fontsize_times = 18, marker = "o",delta_text = 0.5, color_for_0 =None, legend = [],fig = [],return_mappable = False)
dyn = dynamics to plot. Should be a np.array with size k X T
ax = the subplot to plot in. (optional). If empty list -> the function will create a subplot
params_plot = additional parameters for the plotting (optional). Can include plotting-related keys like xlabel, ylabel, title, etc.
turn_off_back= disable backgroud of the plot? (optional). Boolean
marker_size = marker size of the plot (optional). Integer
include_line = add a curve to the plot (in addition to the scatter plot). Boolean
color_sig = the color signal.
If empty and color_by_dominant is true - color by the dominant dynamics.
If empty and not color_by_dominant - color by time.
cmap = color map
colors = if not empty -> pre-defined colors for the different sub-dynamics.
If empty -> colors are according to the cmap.
color_mix = relevant only if color_by_dominant is True. In this case the colors need to be in the form of [r,g,b]
h (only if return_fig) -> returns the figure