Manages a certain level of archives for every application // branch // tags.
./bin/ios-ota-maintainer --help
Usage: node-ios-ota-maintainer
-c, --config The configuration file to use [default: "/etc/ios-ota-maintainer.json"]
-H, --host The host to connect to [default: ""]
-P, --port The port to connect to [default: "3000"]
-l, --loglevel Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) [default: "warn"]
-i, --interval Clean interval (in milliseconds) [default: 900000]
-m, --max-archives Maximum number of archives for all branches/tags [default: 50]
-L, --loop Runs the application in an event loop [default: false]
-h, --help Shows this message [default: false]