This boot application exposes APIs for to get weather of any city.
- The application consumes✨
• A user can view weather of any city by passing city name.
- [Gradle] - Packaged as a gradle project - 7.1.1
- [Java] - Built on open-JDK11
- [Spring Boot] - Leverages web MVC framework provided by Spring Boot 2.5.4
- [resilience4j] - Circuit breaker
- [actuator] - Monitoring the microservice
- [Swagger] - Endpoints are exposed on SwaggerUI
And of course sourced as an open source with a [public repository][dill] on GitHub.
Requires Java11 v11+ to run.
Install the dependencies and start the server on Intellij or any other IDE of choice.
run WeatherApplication.main()
From jar...
make sure to place the in the same location as the jar
java -jar WeatherApplication-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Application starts as port 8080
Swagger Path :