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API to support the Resources for Researchers application

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This is the API for the Resources for Researchers Application.


NOTE: Building this project requires that you add the NuGet source

  1. Create a personal access token with read:packages scope
  2. Add the source with this command, substituting your username and access token.
$ dotnet nuget add source  --name github --store-password-in-clear-text --username YOURUSERID --password PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
cd r4r-api

# install NuGet packages
dotnet restore
# builds all projects (test are dependent on src)
dotnet build
# runs unit tests (only in tests folder)
dotnet test test/**
# Run code coverage
# (../../lcov is because this will run from the test project...)
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=lcov /p:CoverletOutput=../../lcov test/**
# Publish to publish directory
dotnet publish -c Release -o ../../publish src/NCI.OCPL.Api.ResourcesForResearchers