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Bryan Pizzillo edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

Publish and Release a new Release Branch

  1. Create a new release branch release/vX.Y.Z
  2. lerna version --no-git-tag-version X.Y.Z
    • When asked are you sure you want to create these versions, say yes.
  3. Push your changes back up.
  4. npm login --registry=
  5. git checkout main
  6. git merge --no-ff release/vX.Y.Z -m "Merging release vX.Y.Z"
  7. git push -- to push main
  8. [TO BE AUTOMATED] lerna publish --force-publish --no-push --yes from-package
  9. [TO BE AUTOMATED] hub release create -t main vX.Y.Z -m "vX.Y.Z Release"
  10. git checkout develop
  11. git merge --no-ff release/vX.Y.Z -m "Merging release vX.Y.Z"
  12. git push
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